Vitamin Supplements that Can Benefit Your Skin and Your Health

We all want perfect skin. Some say that to perfect our skin we need to watch what we eat. The same vitamins, minerals and herbs that are good for our health are good for our skin and our hair. But it is hard to eat all the right foods and the right amounts of them on a daily basis. For this reason, we take supplements to help our body function. But did you know that there are supplements you can take that will help your skin?

Fish and Flaxseed oils

Do you have dry skin? Yes, the environment, the time of the year and even our age can contribute to dry skin. Fish and flaxseed oils can help us to moisturize our skin. How? They contain essential fatty acids. When we take these acids orally they travel to our skin cells and can even act as a barrier against the environment.

You skin will start to become more moisturized and less dry within six weeks of taking fish or flaxseed oil. You hair and fingernails may benefit as well.


Many people suffer from weak fingernails and brittle hair. Biotin is a wonderful supplement that can give both your hair and fingernails more strength. Biotin can also help you to grow out your nails and hair.

Biotin can be found in such foods as corn, soy, egg yolk and walnuts. As a supplement, you can buy biotin separately or you can find it in many multi-vitamins.

Antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E, fern extract and green tea

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We all know antioxidants are essential for good health. They neutralize free radicals and can even repair cell damage. But did you know that they can help sun damage and even wrinkles?

Many of these antioxidants can be found in skin care creams today. But to reduce sun damage and to help reverse any previous sun damage, you need to take them orally for at least 3 months before you start seeing a result. Will the creams help? Possibly. If you use the creams while taking the supplements orally you are getting twice the protection and possibly twice the reduction of damage and wrinkles.

How much supplements should you take? This is a hard question to answer because most of the experts do not agree on the amount. You can find Vitamins C and E in a lot of our foods, such as fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry, grains and some meats. For this reason, you don’t need to go overboard.

Many daily supplements will contain all you need of these nutrients. As for the green tea, most experts still believe drinking it in its tea form is the best way to go. But if you can’t fit a couple of cups of it into your daily schedule, you may want to consider buying green tea in a supplement form.

Some people even believe that green tea has helped them to loose weight.

Niacin (Vitamin B)

This nutrient has been considered a good way to fight acne for a long time. Doctors believe that it has anti-inflammatory qualities and can actually calm and clear up the skin.

See also  What Foods Contain Biotin?

Yes, eating right is beneficial to our health and our looks. But when we can’t always eat the way we should, supplements is the next best alterative.