Cooking with Curry: The Hidden Health Benefits!

Often, a person who eats curry for the first time in an Ethnic restaurant is overwhelmed by trying a new dish that is spicy for the person who accompanies them and is already quite familiar with and loves the flavor of spicy curried foods. For most, Curry is a taste that is acquired over a period of time, often increasing in the intensity preferred with time. The added health benefits of Curry make it worth trying.

Curry was first used many years ago before there where refrigerators, to keep meats from becoming contaminated. Curry was put on the meats as a natural preservative. It is known for it’s bacteria killing properties.

The key to acquiring a love for Curried foods is to start by experimenting with it at home, with different foods and different amounts. Begin by adding small quantities of curry powder to the foods you already know that you enjoy. As an example, sprinkle a little on lamb or pork before you cook it, or sprinkle a little bit on a hard boiled egg. Put a small amount in stir fried vegetables.

Before long you will begin to find that you want more than just a sprinkle, and your entire family will love the new flavors that you create.

The next step is to move on to a more authentic Curry. It does not have to be overly spicy. You can purchase real Curry paste in a jar. There are several brands that I have tried, my personal favorite being Pataks brand. It can be bought in mild, medium and hot. Dishes such as Balti, Tandoori, Sate and Rogan Josh are relatively mild Indian dishes that are enjoyed by many all over the world, and if you are interested in trying Indian food, then I suggest trying to create these first, as they will not overwhelm you with being overly spicy/hot.

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Once you are happily eating the mild Curry dishes, the next step is to try buying a medium spicy Curry. Try tastes such as Tandoori, Sate Seasoning, or Masala. Then once you are feeling very brave, go for the Vindaloo a very hot spicy curry.

In addition to the delicious flavors that Curry can help to create, there are many health benefits to eating it as well. Curry is known to boost brain functioning, in fact, there are has studies that indicate that it clears up Amyloid Plaques which are found in the brains of victims of the debilitating Alzheimer’s Disease. In India, curry is part of the staple diet, where rates of Alzheimer’s disease are the lowest in the world.

Curry is known as an aid in prevention and “cure” of different forms of cancer. It is said to halt the progression of prostate cancer, in fact, some have said that it has been known to actually reverse the disease! It is a preventative tool in the fighting of colon cancer as well. In addition, turmeric, the spice in Curry may also be protective against leukemia and pancreatic cancers.

Eating Curry is an excellent agent in helping to regulate one’s blood sugar, thus, a non-drug self-treatment for Diabetes. With regular consumption of it, people with erratic blood sugar levels tend to find their blood sugar is no longer erratic!

Curry additionally helps to prevent rheumatoid Arthritis and osteoporosis. It is renowned for treating sinus and lung congestion, fighting infections as well.

If you are adventurous in the foods that you try, then why not try Curry, and enjoy the many health benefits while you experiment.