Violin Lessons in Philadelphia

There are many types of music schools which teach all sorts of instruments across Philadelphia and the surrounding area. Here are a few schools which are known for their expertise in teaching music and specifically, violin.


Musika teaches all sorts of music lessons, including strings instruments such as violin, guitar, cello, piano, and viola. The lessons available at Musika can be taken in the studio, or in the comfort of your own home. Individual lessons are customized so that the private students will have lesson plans and the opportunity to perform in recitals. Violins can be from many music rental facilities, but Musika will refer you to the best place to choose an instrument or violin that is right for you. Summertime lessons are also available for students who wish to improve their current skills and not take a break during the summer. The summer is a good chance to improve on your technical skills and abilities rather than taking a break and getting rusty. Call the music school to speak with someone who will guide you through the process of registration and choose a teacher for you. An introductory lesson is given to test your match with the teacher and if you are not satisfied, a new teacher will be provided to ensure that the student has the best match of teacher.

Contact Musika at the toll free number:

877 – 687 – 4524


Try violin lessons at Encore music. The teacher, Marc K. has his Bachelor of Music from Temple University in Jazz Composition and Arranging. Encore music promises to keep violin lessons very fun and uplifting, so that there is no dredging through exercises that the student will hate to practice. Learning is kept exciting and happy so that playing is not bogged down by difficult to understand concepts. Lessons can be taken in the teacher’s studio or in your home. There is no contract, so lessons can be scheduled based on what is good for you, and there is no obligation to continue lessons if you would like to stop at any time. Call (215) 240 – 1720 for more information and to start the registration process.

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This is a great place to go to connect with a strings teacher in the Philadelphia area. If you call this number: (877) 231 – 8505, TakeLessons can connect you to the teacher who is devoted to the instrument you would like to learn based on the best match for you, even if you are a beginner. There is a wide range of teachers connected with TakeLessons and the lessons can be taken in the studio or, like the other two studios listed above, in the comfort of your own home. Call today to get matched with the teacher who is right for you.

Take Lessons
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