String Instruments and Your Child

Stringed instruments are capable of making beautiful music in the hands of a well-trained musician who has been properly trained and is patient about learning. Stringed instruments include cello, violin, viola, double bass, and many more. We are going to look at many of the instruments so you can make a good informed decision with your child. Overall stringed instruments tend to have several advantages, such as being good for small hands, especially those that are small instruments. Overall disadvantages are that it tends to take several lessons before your child can produce pleasant sounds, as well as they can be very frustrating at times to learn.

Children can start with string lessons as young as 3 if they are taught using the Suzuki lessons, traditional lessons should wait until closer to 6-8 years though so your child will have basic reading skills first. While it is possible to start your child taking lessons at a very early age, this is not a requirement to be an excellent player. Some children start as late as 14 and easily and quickly catch up to the level of other children who started much earlier. String instruments are usually learned in steps, with young children starting with smaller versions of the instrument. This fact alone makes purchasing initial instruments for young children impractical.

To gain the best financial gain for your money look for a music store who has a rent to own program that will allow you to move at least a portion of the money paid to rent a small instrument towards the purchase of a full sized instrument. Prices for lessons range and vary greatly depending upon the instructor and the size of the area that you live in. They can easily range from $15 per lesson to as much as $50 per lesson.

Stringed instruments will also typically require a case to be purchased separately which can add another $200 for the case, as well as the stand. Accessories that are needed include shoulder rest, cloth to wipe the strings, rosin for the bow, and cleaner as well, as polish for the instrument. Maintenance is another expense that can be quite costly, because of the type of instrument strings break; a bridge can break, as well as the fingerboard can easily come off. This can result in several repairs each year that need to be made, while the cost of each repair is generally cheap, they do add up over the course of time.

Other maintenance including the stick of the bow snapping and needing replaced, the horsehair of the bow will also eventually wear out and need to be replaced. The bow can be either re-haired or replaced for anywhere from $35 to as much as $100 depending upon which option you choose, the store you use, and what area you live in. Strings all around on the instrument can set you back anywhere from $25 to $100 each year.


Cello is considered a large violin that is often considered by many to be the most beautiful sounding string instrument. It looks very much like a large violin, and the biggest difference is the thicker body as well as overall larger size. Due to its size, a cello is never held in the players’ arms, but rather sits on the floor; between the musicians, legs and their hands operate the bow and strings. Advantages to cello include that for a string instrument it is not very difficult to start with, part of what makes it easier is that it is held in a relatively natural shape, and does not tie up the musicians hands with holding the instrument. Orchestras are able to easily accommodate as many as 18 cellists without problems.

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Downsides to cello are that the fingerboard has no marks to indicate exactly where the fingers should be placed, and it takes a while to become accustom to the best finger placement for the best sound. One of the biggest flaws with cello, is that it is very difficult for young children to carry because of its size, as well as bus rides to and from school provide ample opportunity for the instrument to be damaged.

Cello is something most students start learning once they are in fifth grade, sometimes older. Many times the students start learning in high school and are able to quickly learn, especially if switching from a previous instrument. Cello’s are not cheap, they can easily set you back close to $2,000 for one, with a need to purchase a mushroom which will allow the metal leg of the cello to sit securely, and prevent damage to floors. Maintenance for the cello is typically very little, except for the fact its large size makes it prone to accidents. Strings rarely need to be replaced more than once a year, which also reduces the maintenance, costs.

Double Bass

This is one of the largest string instruments, which resembles a violin; biggest difference aside from size is that it has sloping shoulders instead of the round shoulders of a violin or a cello. Musicians stand behind the bass, and hold it with one hand, while the other hand plays. Advantages are that the bass is not very difficult to start with. There are several sizes of bass, which makes it easy to find a size your child can handle. Bass players are highly sought after for many different musical opportunities.

The disadvantages of bass are that the finger system for bass is very different to all of the other instruments. The biggest flaw that bass has is its size, it is very difficult to transport such a large instrument without accidents. The best age to start playing bass is around 11-12 years old once your child can carry the instrument without breaking it. A student’s bass will start at around $500 with new models costing between $1,500 to $2,500 just for starter models. Maintenance is very minimal with strings needing to be replaced every few years, and the bow re-haired once a year.

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Standard guitars are six string models, with the uses of a fingerboard as well as finger pick to play the instrument. Your child must choose between several types of guitars, this decision is likely influenced by the teacher whom you choose for your child. Folk guitars rely on basic chords, is easy to learn, and is the best style for accompanying oneself or others with singing. Classical guitar is very quiet and beautiful to listen to, however is not good for group play. Classical guitar can be very difficult though, and has intricate finger work that must be mastered before your child can make good progress.

Spanish guitars are very loud, noisy, and energetic, while the electric guitar is a good choice for those seeking a pop or rock music career or even those who desire to play along with those styles. Advantages of guitar are that it is a good instrument for children, they are able to see quick results from their lessons, and almost any song can be adapted to guitar, which will make it encouraging to learn.

Downsides are that there are limited chances to join a band or orchestra and competition is fierce to gain a place. Children can start learning guitar around 6 years of age, however most children start learning much later in life. It is possible for adults to even start learning guitar and make great progress quite quickly. Guitars are relatively cheap compared to other instruments, with models starting as low as $90 and ranging up to several thousands depending upon the grand and style of guitar. Maintenance is minimal with only needing strings replaced every few months.


Harp is capable of making beautiful music but is quite large and very expensive. Your child will learn to play bass and treble clef at the same time, however beautiful the harp is, it is very important to realize the price as well as the size of the harp. One of the biggest issues with learning music is the need for continuous practice to improve, if your unable to afford a harp or do not have room for a harp then perhaps a different instrument would be better for your child. The chances of being able to find group playing opportunities is very good because of the lack of harpist, especially those that are well trained.

Downsides to the harp are the sheer size as well as expense of purchasing one. It is a very difficult instrument to become proficient at as well, despite the fact that it is hard to make bad sounds with a harp. Harp will also require spending many hours alone practicing. Finding a teacher who will teach children is very difficult sometimes. Children as young as 5 can start learning harm, however most children start playing around fifth or sixth grade. Harps can range in price anywhere from $300 for tiny child-size harps up to as much as a whopping $100,000 for a full sized harp.

When your child is first starting harp you will likely want to consider renting since that is much cheaper, with rentals costing less than $100 per month on average. An adjustable chair or bench is also necessary to give the musician somewhere to sit which can cost as much as $100; a metronome can cost approximately $100, while a dolly is also helpful to move the harp with. For maintenance, the harp must be tuned quite often with tunings costing approximately $40, however it is something your child can learn to do with some practice. Strings also need to be replaced when they break, which can cost between $2 to as much as $35.

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The viola is a violin with a shorter neck, and fatter body. To someone who does not know, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the viola and the violin. Orchestras have a great amount of difficulty finding enough violists, which makes it very simple to be accepted to an orchestra. Downsides of viola are that it uses its own clef in music, the viola clef, which means you must learn a new clef if you previously have learned a different clef.

Children can start as young as 3-4 years old with Suzuki lessons, however for traditional lessons it is best to wait until closer to fourth or even fifth grade. A viola is very expensive with beginners starting at $400-$700, while professional models cost upwards of $4,000.


The violin is the most popular string instrument, and has changed very little. Four steel strings are stretched across the body, and is a thin wood box and an elegant neck and scroll with tuning pegs at one end. Violin is very popular with young children and comes in many different sizes so that children can grow and use a bigger violin as they grow. Violinists are always desired in orchestras, which make them in high demand; however, competition can be sometimes very fierce.

Violin is very complex and difficult to learn, which can make it frustrating for children. Children are capable of starting violin anytime between the ages of 5-8 without difficulty, however older children are also able to pick up a violin and catch up. Suzuki is the best method with very young children, while closer to 8 years of age traditional lessons are best. Violins are expensive, and most children end up using several different sizes of violins before they are done growing, which means if you purchase you will be buying several violins.

Renting a violin is likely to be a good idea until your child is older, and has stopped growing at least quite so quickly. A student violin can cost between $800 to $1,000. Professional models can cost between $2,000 to as much as $6,000 for a new model.