Video Evidence of O.J. Simpson’s Guilt

Although it wasn’t truly the “Trial of the Century” the O.J. Simpson trial must be viewed in terms of a milestone in American culture. The O.J. Simpson trial also should be proof-positive that there is no such thing as controlled psychic ability. I mean if there was anyone out there who could predict the future based on claims of “vibes” or “psychic energy” surely this trial that became the primary focus of daily attention for tens of millions of people every single day for almost a year produced enough of that energy to have enabled at least one of these people to have seen it coming. Yet no one did. But the most lasting impression of the O.J. Simpson trial that I have is also the one that further cements my belief that, yes, O.J. did it. All of you out there who still have doubts that O.J. was guilty should really clink on this link to a You Tube video clip of the announcement of the verdict. What you will witness is, I truly believe, the most damning evidence against O.J. Simpson that exists and it is one that can’t be manipulated by Simpson’s crooked lawyers or bungled by those moronic L.A. prosecutors.

But first some background to those whose memories of the O.J. trial may be fuzzy or to those who weren’t paying attention the first time around. Robert Kardashian was one of the O.J. Simpson’s lawyers. Interestingly enough, he was also there at the airport when O.J. Simpson arrived back to Los Angeles from his conveniently timed trip to Chicago. It was at this time that O.J. Simpson handed Robert Kardashian some of his luggage. Two different stories exist to what happened to that luggage that many speculate contained damning evidence. Kardashian claims he never looked inside and that he actually offered to give it the police and they decline. The L.A. cops are notorious for being the Tito Jackson of America’s police forces, but it is quite hard to believe that the only slightly smarter prosecution team wouldn’t have demanded not only to see what was inside it but to have O.J. put it on inside the courtroom. The other story, far more believable, is that luggage disappeared into some black hole because it was never seen again. Also important to remember is Robert Kardashian’s license to practice law had lapsed. Despite the fact that O.J. had such high-powered actively practicing attorneys as F. Lee Bailey, Robert Shapiro, and Johnnie Cochran, he was insistent that Kardashian renew his license and join the team. Join them he did, not once taking an active part in the courtroom proceedings, though he probably aided some in the behind the scenes legal work. Of course, it is also vital to remember that if Kardashian was officially a member of the legal team, he could not be forced to testify against O.J. and be forced to commit perjury by saying he had no idea what was inside that luggage.

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And now back to that video. The moment after the verdict is announced, Johnnie Cochran is immediately into character, acting like he believed O.J. was innocent and melodramatically overacting the part of a lawyer who is ecstatic that another poor innocent black man didn’t get sent to jail. F. Lee Bailey is staring off into space, perhaps thinking about the next guilty person who can represent who will bring as much light to his less than stellar record as Patty Hearst and Simpson. O.J. Simpson, of course, is fighting hard to contain the peals of gleeful laughter that are apparently about to explode as he very nearly seems ready to unleash some major league gloating over the fact that everybody is stupid except him. Then there’s Robert Kardashian, the man standing between Bailey and O.J., wearing glasses and with the skunk line of gray in his otherwise black hair. Watch him closely as the person reading the verdict stumbles over Simpson’s unusual first name. Remember, now, that this verdict was reached in less than two hours, after a trial that lasted for months and months. In a trial in which there is so much evidence that points toward guilt and so many questions regarding the validity of the evidence, a quick verdict almost always means guilty. For the simple reason that the evidence is easier to make snap judgments over than the quality of the evidence. When that not guilty verdict is read, Robert Kardashian is, in a word, stunned. Kardashian can’t believe it; more than that, he actually seems disgusted. He closes his lids and shakes his head just slightly. The best part is when Johnnie Cochran slaps O.J. Simpson on the back. After Cochran slaps O.J. on the back, Kardashian turns around to look at them celebrating this verdict as if wishing he could be photographed with any other two human beings on earth. The evidence that Robert Kardashian knew at that moment that a murderer was going free is hard to argue. And throughout the rest of the video, Kardashian never engages in the kind of excited glory in getting a guilty man off that Johnnie Cochran does. The difference between the two men is slight but damning: Cochran had no conscience, while Kardashian was about to embark upon a journey in which he faced his own conscience.

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You have to remember that O.J. Simpson spent the night following his return at Robert Kardashian’s house. That Robert Kardashian found O.J. in his own daughter’s bedroom the next day holding a gun and contemplating suicide. But it really doesn’t suit his style, but over the course of the next few hours, Kardashian led O.J. on a tour of his house, suggesting better place for O.J. to blow his brains out while knowing full well that suicide isn’t a primary characteristic of the narcissist. Robert Kardashian was the one who read O.J.’s “suicide note” to the press the night he and Al went for a joyride to Mexico with thousands of dollars in a sack in that infamous Ford Bronco. In other words, nobody was closer to O.J. Simpson during this period than Robert Kardashian.

One year after the verdict was announced, Robert Kardashian was interviewed by Barbara Walters and made the stunning pronouncement that he now had serious doubts concerning O.J. Simpson’s innocence.