Urine Therapy: Shivambu Medicinal Tonic Provides Natural Therapy

In episode number seventy four of the hit television show “Friends” titled “The One With the Jellyfish,” Monica (Courtney Cox) was stung by a jellyfish at the beach. Joey (Matt Leblanc) recalled “I’d seen this thing on The Discovery Channel…” As Ross (David Schwimmer), Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) and Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) realized the implication of peeing on the sting, they were all grossed out. Although, Monica retorted, “You can’t say that! You don’t know! I mean I thought I was gonna pass out from the pain! Anyway I, I tried, but I, I couldn’t… bend that way.” In the end it was Joey who said, “That’s right, I stepped up! She’s my friend and she needed help. If I had to, I’d pee on anyone of you.”

Some people believe urine is a remedy for all diseases, perhaps most notably the fifth Prime Minister of India (1977 – 1979), Morarji Ranchhodji Desai. When he was afflicted with piles during his forties, he began practicing auto urine therapy (AUT), which involved the drinking of his own urine or shivambu. Subsequently, he continued the practice until his death at the old age of ninety-nine. However, not all methods of using the medicinal tonic require drinking your pee.

Drinking of one’s own pee often discourages people first researching the possibilities of the natural therapy, but the practice can also be utilized externally, not requiring one to drink pee. Methods of external application of the yellow liquid include massaging or rubbing into the skin, soaking feet in pee, applying urine by compress and massaging it into the hair or scalp. For the beginner urine therapist, such methods may provide less of a gross out factor. The yellow liquid can also be utilized as an after shave, although I don’t know how the women will react. Furthermore, urine can be sniffed to alleviate nose or sinus problems.

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According to the Life Positive Web site, Auto urine therapy (AUT) can be practiced by various internal methods, which may require some adjustment for those new to the natural therapy. Beyond drinking pee – best in the morning with fresh, mid stream pee – urine can be gargled, utilized in ear drops, eye drops – diluted with water – enemas and vaginal douches.

The most notable account of the magical powers of urine is attributed to a Tom Brokaw report from NBC Nightly News on October 16th, 1992, in which it was stated, “In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37-year-old man alive in earthquake rubble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His wife, daughter and mother would not and they died.” The Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center is one of the websites that discusses the quotation.

There are skeptics and believers regarding the controversial medicinal tonic and natural therapy, but one thing is for sure: urine is free. As such, it is simple to conduct your own research on the matter. Also, if urine therapy is a wonder drug, there would be no reason pharmaceutical businesses would want you to know about it, because you can’t sell people something they can manufacture for free. (Note: All medicinal tonic and natural therapy practices involving pee should be researched and supervised by an adult.)


