Unruly Children: How to Deal with Them

What is an unruly child? It is a juvenile who can not control themselves and will not listen to authoritative figures. This can present a threat to not only the parents of these children but also society. These children are the ones who turn into criminals. There lack of respect for rules carries on past their juvenile stage and creates problems later in life. If society wants to reduce crime rates, then they need to deal with these unruly children and it starts with discipline from the parents.

Unruly children are usually those who commit juvenile crimes. The reported juvenile crime rate in 1994 was at an all time high. Since this time, the juvenile crime rate has dropped forty percent. There are about seventy millions minors in the United State which is about one-fourth of the population. Of these seventy million about 2.5 million of them are arrested. Within this group of arrested minors, 1700 of them were arrested for murder. Girls account for 130 of these murders, which is an increase on the violent crime rate for women. There has been a lot of steps in reducing juvenile crime in recent years but more steps need to be taken. The increase has been for women committing juvenile crimes. The crime rate for juveniles is getting lower but proper steps still need to be taken to reduce it further
This problem affects everybody but it harms the unruly children the most. They often times grow up in a house where boundaries are either not set at all or are enforce so stringently that the child needs to break out. The children will not stop their destructive behavior by themselves. In the case of the child who is trying to break out from strict parents, this is a little bit easier to solve. The children will have caring parents who will adapt in order to bring their kids back in. In the case of the children who have parents who don’t set rules there is not much that can be done by the child. The parent needs to step up here and set regulations. The sad thing about these unruly children is that they are ignorant to what this kind of behavior does to their futures. They only see the present and not ten years down the road when they need to go to college or get a job.

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There are a plethora of things being down to help deal with unruly children. It has to be noted that the biggest thing that can be done to prevent unruly children is a positive environment with a good socioeconomic background in a good community. The solutions provided to fix unruly children are for the parents and how they need to deal with them when the children get out of hand. One articles suggestions that parents should cut the idle threats. If they say they are going to punish then they need to punish. The parents are supposed to be there to guide and idle threats give the kids mixed signals. It will cause them to constantly push the boundaries because nothing is really going to happen to them. Dr. Phil goes a little more extreme. If your child is a little terror then he suggest psychiatric help. In lesser cases the good doctor suggest that parents acknowledge their roles, maintain a unified front, avoid a power struggle, and punishing them when applicable. Some extreme religious groups advocate the beating of children in disciplinary actions. They site different verses in the Bible that suggest that if a child is out of line then he/she needs to be whipped. While many of suggested in the past that this doesn’t work it has been a way to deal with unruly children since civilization began.

It is the belief of this group that a full solution to this problem can not happen because there will always be bad people. What our group suggests is that parents take responsibility and discipline their children when needed. This means setting up clear punishments and boundaries to children. If these boundaries are crossed, then a worthy punishment is justified. This does not mean physical contact. This kind of contact can lead to not only physical but mental damage as well. Parents need to “ground” their children or take a privilege away. If a kid is acting unruly then they probably can responsibly handle privileges. The difficulty in a solution to this problem is that the parents have to want to raise respectful children. Unless the government limits what people have children than irresponsible, immature people will still be parenting unruly children. Educating parents about the dangers of not disciplining their children is the best solution beyond providing a child with a good environment.