United States Mint Refunds Customers for Inauthentic Indian Pouches

In 2004, the United States Mint was offering customers a coin set which included a proof Lewis and Clark Bicentennial silver dollar and a small pouch which was sold as authentically produced by an American Indian tribe. As it turns out, according to a United States Mint press release, some of the pouches were made by a tribe not recognized by Ohio state or federal authorities as being official: the Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band of Ohio. Because of this fact, the pouches made by the Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band of Ohio are not authentic American Indian products. Those who purchased this coins set can check the certificate of authenticity that came with the set to see which tribe made the pouch received.

The press statement says this news comes after The Indian Arts and Crafts Board (IACB) reported to the United States Mint that the Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band of Ohio does not have the legal right to produce or sell any of their goods as “authentic Indian products” under the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, which prohibits the marketing of items misrepresented as “authentic” products made by American Indian tribal members or tribes.

These sets, sold between September 7, 2004 and December 31, 2004, included certificates of authenticity that were hand signed by the person who crafted the pouch sent along with the set; these certificates of authenticity also declare the tribe and location of the craftsman. The United States mint explains in the press release states that when the agency commissioned artists to assemble the pouches in question, the agency collaborated with the Circle of Tribal Advisors (COTA) to recruit American Indian tribe members interested in the project. At the time, the Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band of Ohio was a COTA member in good standing, but the tribe dropped its membership from COTA in late 2005; COTA is said to have “adjourned” the following year.

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The Mint’s press release states that customers who purchased sets that include pouches made by the Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band of Ohio should return the product back to The United States Mint. Those who send back the entire set (which includes the proof silver dollar, the inauthentic pouch, and the accompanying certificate of authenticity) will receive the original purchase price of the set and a $10.00 defrayment for shipping and handling, bringing the total amount to $130.00 (the sets were sold for $120.00 each). Those who return only the inauthentic pouch and its certificate of authenticity will receive $90.00–which includes a “prorated” amount of $80.00 for the pouch and $10.00 for shipping charges. For customer service information, call the United States Mint at 1-800-USA-MINT.

Americans place their trust in genuine United States Mint products that embody the American spirit,” said Ed Moy, United States Mint Director, in the press release. Moy continues, “[t]he United States Mint wants to uphold that trust, and upon learning this new information, we are offering this refund.

Ironically, this news comes only a couple days after the United States Mint was granted the authority to fine individuals and companies who misuse the name, logo, symbols, and emblems of the coinage-producing government agency.


United States Mint. “United States Mint Offers Refund for Pouches That Are Not Authentic American Indian Products.” 31 October 2007. 1 November 2007. http://www.usmint.gov/pressroom/index.cfm?action=press_release&ID;=842