Ultra Palmolive Scrub Buster with Microbeads Concentrated Dish Liquid Review

Just like I’m always on the lookout for new health and beauty products that will transform me into a raving beauty, I’m always on the search for a dishwashing detergent that will make my life a little easier. I spotted this product recently, and the words “new BUST AWAY Stuck-on Food” jumped off the front of the bottle at me. Since I wash all my dishes by hand in the kitchen sink, I know how hard it can be to remove stuck-on food. Read this Ultra Palmolive Scrub Buster with Microbeads Concentrated Dish Liquid review and find out if this product is worth buying!

Product Description and Price
The Ultra Palmolive Scrub Buster with Microbeads Concentrated Dish Liquid I found is a twenty ounce bottle. The price for it at the dollar store was $2.29 which I considered reasonable. The “fresh blast” scent smells great. It really does smell fresh and clean. It’s even a pretty blue color with darker blue microbeads floating around in it.

The back of the bottle lists specific foods that Ultra Palmolive Scrub Buster with Microbeads Concentrated Dish Liquid cuts through. The list includes macaroni and cheese, lasagna, eggs and oatmeal. It also states that, “because it’s Palmolive, it’s mild on hands”. That’s important to me since I have sensitive skin. Many of the best dishwashing liquids, including all varieties of Dawn, which I think do a fantastic cleaning job, just tear my hands up. My hands will crack and bleed from using detergents like those.

So, I was eager to put this product to the test. There were two factors I was interested in: 1) Would it make washing my dirty dishes, pots and pans easier? And, 2) Would this dishwashing liquid be gentle on my hands?

See also  Dawn Dish Detergent Versus Palmolive Dish Detergent

Does It Work?
Right after dinner I put Ultra Palmolive Scrub Buster with Microbeads Concentrated Dish Liquid to the test. I squirted just a bit in the sink, added scalding hot water and my day’s dishes. I have to add that I use a dish scrubber instead of a plain dish cloth. So that surely made a difference. The “dirtiest” dishes I had had remnants of mashed potatoes, Butternut squash, macaroni and cheese and greasy meatloaf on them. I must say, that washing them was pretty easy indeed! The worst was the bowl I had used to cook squash in. I had to do some extra scrubbing, but the food finally did lift off the glass surface. Glasses with dried milk rings cleaned right up, as did my pots and pans.

I highly recommend Ultra Palmolive Scrub Buster with Microbeads Concentrated Dish Liquid. I think it’s going to be my number one choice in dishwashing liquids. Not only did it do a good job on my dishes, but, so far, my hands are in good shape. The true test in regards to how mild it is will be after I use this product a few more times.