Product Review: Palmolive Original Dishwashing Liquid

During my recent shopping trip through the cleaning aisle this week I couldn’t help but stop and gaze across the rows and shelves full of cleaning products and solutions. I came to grab a simple bottle of dishwashing liquid for my grandmother. Not ‘detergent’ mind you, there is no dishwashing machine in her house. The one that was included when she bought the place quickly went out the back door to be installed elsewhere!

Dishwashing liquids abound in as many brands, scents and varieties as everything else in the cleaning aisle. Still, I scanned the rainbow colored options looking for a familiar translucent green liquid. There is was, top shelf, Palmolive Original Dishwashing Liquid in the same familiar bottle. The price is always right and a bottle lasts several weeks at grandma’s house. If you happen to think I buy this brand simply because grandma is set in her ways and not open to change, you would only be partially correct! Truth is, ever the ‘bargain hunter’, I’ve tried nearly ever dishwashing liquid out there. Some of the so-called bargain brands are so watered down a whole bottle barely creates enough lather to wash your hands, never mind a sink full of greasy dishes!

Palmolive Original Dishwashing Liquid has been around since 1966 after being first put on the shelves by the Colgate-Palmolive Company. Presently, Palmolive Original Dishwashing Liquid is sold in 35 countries around the globe! surely a sign that something about it continues to deliver on its promises.

Palmolive Original dishwashing liquid is advertised as ‘Tough on Grease, Soft on hands’. Remember the old TV ads with ‘Madge’ using Palmolive to soften cuticles before a manicure? Well, I’ve actually done that as well as using it to shampoo my hair when my husband uses the last of the regular shampoo and doesn’t mention the fact! Palmolive does as great a job at cleaning greasy hair as it does dishes, without drying your hair or scalp!

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The Original formula has a fresh natural clean scent to it. Palmolive also comes in a variety of other scents, which given the option I would use! But when in Grandma’s house we use nothing but the ‘Original’! You might want to try the citrus scented ones though, they will actually give your kitchen a fresh clean smell while you are dealing with the necessary clean up of family dinners!

Palmolive Original Dishwashing liquid is also a good general cleanser to use in the kitchen. No need to use those foul smelling ‘degreasers’ to clean the splatters and spills on your stove. I find a small squirt of Palmolive dishwashing liquid on one of those sponges with a scrub side easily cleans up any greasy splatters and a gentle scrub using the scrubbing side of the sponge easily gets the stubborn burned on places around the stovetop burners.

A fun use for Palmolive Original dishwashing liquid which I stumbled across years ago is to use it to blow bubbles with your small children in the summertime! Having spilled her brand new bottle of ‘bubbles’ as soon as she took it outside one hot summer day, my then four year old daughter broke out in tears. Stuck at home since daddy had the only car at work, we had no way to go buy another bottle so I grabbed the Palmolive dishwashing liquid and poured some in her bottle of ‘bubbles. It took a little trial and error to find out a slight dilution with water was needed but soon we had a never ending supply of ‘bubbles’ and I didn’t bother buying any ‘bubbles’ the rest of the summer, just an extra bottle of Palmolive dishwashing liquid!

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Colgate-Palmolive has long since expanded their product line to include a wide range of home care, oral care and personal care products. They really are a company you can trust for safe and effective products that withstand the test of time! In this day of ever changing ‘new and improved’ products that don’t always deliver on their claims, its good to know that there is at least one company with the good sense to leave a great product on the market!

References: Colgate.Com website. History, and products pages
