How to Get Rid of a Headache

Choose Your Headache

We’ve all encountered headaches in one form or another. From tension to migraine headaches, they can sometimes slow us down during the day. You can relieve yourself of these head demons and if you need a quick method, then check out some techniques below.

Tension Headaches

Tension Headaches tend to occur because of tight muscles in your neck, back, and jaw and blood flow to your head has decreased. The pain is usually a continuous ache instead of the throb associated with other types of headaches. Because of this, any way you can loosen your muscles will help remove this headache. If you can, take a hot shower and run the water over your neck and back muscles or, if a shower is out of the question, take a hot towel (or heating pad) and press it to muscles in question.

Migraine Headaches

Migraines can sometimes be the most painful of all the headaches. While heat helps with tensions headaches, ice helps with migraines. Migraines usually happen because some part of your brain has inflammed, creating pressure inside your head. Taking an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables and placing it on your temples or forehead will numb the pain and cause the inflammation to go down. This will make more blood flow.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster Headaches, which usually are attributed to men, are hard to treat on the spot. If you have a searing pain located directly behind the eye, then you have a cluster headache. There are a couple of things you can do: the first is to see a chiropractor to have some alignment done and the second is to take some magnesium since cluster headaches are sometimes caused by a lack of this mineral.

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Pressure Points

The above ways are specific to the type of headache you have. You can try pushing on some pressure points if you need an even quicker way to get rid of a headache.

1. Place one finger between your eyebrows and then another finger on the soft fleshy part on the top of your head. Press hard for two minutes, then release. You should feel like something heavy was lifted off of your head.

2. With your thumb and forefinger, pinch the fleshy ball of the web of your hand (between your thumb and forefinger). Massage is for two minutes, then repeat on the other head. This method works good with migraines and cluster headaches.

3. Apply pressure to both temples, on the small indentation where your eyebrows end. Do this for about two minutes.

No Medicine!

Try to use natural ways to get rid of headaches. Taking medication gives you temporary relief, but if you continue your day the same way you did through the headache, then it may come back stronger. If you just get your blood flowing or your muscles relaxed, then you should be raring to go for the rest of the work day…or a nap.