UCSC College 8: Surviving My First Year

Choosing a university can be an exciting, yet overwhelming task; however, trying to then decide which of the ten on-campus colleges to call home for the next ten months can seem even more daunting. I chose to continue my academic career at the University of California Santa Cruz because, honestly, it was the best of the schools I was accepted to. I originally widdled my six options down to two choices: Sacramento State (my home town), and UCSC. It felt like an almost impossible decision to make, but my mother had an opinion on the matter as well, which is only fair since she’s paying my first two years.

Both colleges had so much to offer in terms of education, especially Sac State with their Photography program, yet how could I resist the beautiful location of UCSC, placed perfectly in the center of the Santa Cruz red woods? So, after being sternly told, on several occasions, that I cannot stay at home and must “experience the college life,” I finalized my application for UCSC and applied for student housing. I haven’t looked back since.

Deciding which college to live in within UCSC is an important process because each has something unique to offer. I did not take the time to research each individual college and make an educated decision which remains my one regret of freshman year. My first year would have been incredibly different and probably more enjoyable if not for College Eight. The view of the ocean from my dorm window is its only saving grace and one of the few reasons I chose here.

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Don’t let superficial observations fool you, however. The location on campus is less than desirable due to it being situated on the periphery of UCSC. Since I am a literature major, I find myself trekking across the entire campus to get to class, a hefty twenty-five minute walk, or fifteen by campus bus. The layout of College Eight is close-knit and reminds me of a very shoddy and unspecific nautical theme, but during the summer it takes a harsh beating from the sun thanks to its lack of foliage cover.

My biggest disappointment came from the students of College Eight. Each independent college within the campus has its own stereotypical clique and mine couldn’t have been any farther from my personality. It’s not my intention to offend or belittle anyone; however, from personal experience I am reminded of high school here. During my ten month stay on this beautiful campus, drama was a daily encounter along with the obnoxiously loud, nightly parties (apparently, College Eight was known for its parties this year). Most of the residents gave me the impression of spoiled brats who have been handed everything to them on a silver platter, with college as no exception. The vibe definitely clashes with personality, rattling my bones in dissonance.

Coming to UCSC is one of the best decisions I have made. The opportunities I have been given, and will have in the future, surpassed any I could have imagined or received in Sacramento. Although this review is very opinionated and highly subjective, I hope it offers some insight into the world that is College Eight, an territory so very different from my own.