Types of Depression

One of the most unique and wonderful things about being human is the ability to experience many different emotions. From the happiness you feel when your fiancee places a ring on your finger to the sadness when a loved one dies, the “wide range of affect” people feel is an indication of good mental health. Emotions should move freely and often across this range. In an average day a person will experience many different emotions while still managing their lives and taking care of their responsibilities.

When a persons emotions stand in the way of them being able to do this, they have moved outside of the “wide range of affect” – either too high or too low – and they would be diagnosed with a depression. Even after experiencing the death of a close relative a person should be able to resume tending to the essentials of their lives after 30 days though they continue to feel sadness and loss.

Depressions may be caused by external events like death of a loved one, job loss or the ending of a significant relationship. They may also be caused by internal issues. That would mean a chemical imbalance is the culprit. Usually, both can be effectively helped with antidepressant medication. When external events are the cause counseling should be a part of the recovery plan.

There are basically four different levels of depression. If substance abuse is present, depression cannot be assessed until the body is clear of all toxins.

Dysthymia- People feel down in the dumps and sad most of the time. They eat too much or too little, sleep too much or too little, and have low energy. Concentration and decision making are difficult and they may have low self-esteem. They may see themselves as uninteresting or incapable of accomplishing very much. Because these feelings last over time they don’t enjoy socializing and have not been able to be successfully employed or be successful in school. Life seems flat and joyless. They rarely smile or laugh and most often will be irritable and generally dissatisfied with everything.

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Cyclothymia- This type of depression is very similar to Dysthymia except there are mood swings. Even though the mood changes, there is never a sense of happiness. Any elevation in mood is for a short duration. People seem unpredictable, moody and temperamental. They are inconsistent in their words and actions and very unreliable. They are negative, often hostile, and easily angered.

Major Depression- This is a very serious disorder which renders people totally non-functional. They will often say they feel as if they are in a “black hole” and cannot get out. They may stay in bed constantly, cry, refuse to eat, and refuse to bathe. They feel hopeless and helpless, often have feelings of wanting to die, and will rarely seek help on their own. Many report feeling in pain though they cannot say where the pain is and cannot make it go away.

Bi-Polar Disorder- There are several different kinds of Bi-Polar Disorders but they all have similar symptoms. Like Cyclothymia, this type of depression has mood swings. However, theses mood swings are very different in nature. When low, a person is in a major depression. When high a person is “manic”. Thus the name Bi-Polar or mood swings that take a person dangerously high and dangerously low. What often confuses people trying to understand Bi-Polar Disorder is how you can call a person feeling high, depressed. First, the highs must come in cycles accompanied by periods of intense lows. Then the highs must include “out of control behavior” ‘” like spending all their money, placing themselves in dangerous situations or sexual behavior which puts them at risk. Manic people come up with plans and schemes which are absurd but in which they have great confidence. They enjoy their manic state. They feel brilliant, powerful, capable of anything, energetic and enthusiastic. They do not want to come down. That is why many people with Bi- Polar Disorder stop taking their medication. The desire to achieve this high far outweighs the consequences that occur when their mood cycles down and they are seriously depressed.

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All levels of depression are serious. The new antidepressants are available today are effective and work quickly to alleviate symptoms. Depression is curable and does not have to ruin lives anymore.