‘Twilight Saga’ Gone Mormon

Many who have read the “Twilight Saga” have been asking the question: is “Twilight” based on Mormon teachings? Stephanie Meyer author of the “Twilight Saga” is a faithful member of the Mormon church. There are many similarities in the “Twilight Saga” that can also be found in Mormon Teachings. I myself am a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I write this article in hopes to educate others about the basic beliefs of the church that are found within the world popular “Twilight Saga.” below is an Easy to read list.

Whether Stephanie Meyer intentionally or Unintentionally wanted to integrate Mormon Teachings into the “Twilight Saga” is unknown, still they are there and very hard to ignore.

– Bella Swan the Teenage heroine avoids the consumption of coffee, tea, alcohol, and tobacco products. this is a directive in following the “Word of WIsdom.” The Word of Wisdom is simply put the Mormon health code.

– The Characters in “Twilight” also abstains from any sexual relations in the “Twilight Saga” in accordance with the Mormon doctrine and Mormon standards that we live the law of chastity, and do not engage in premarital sex.

-Bella’s frequent cooking and cleaning in the “Twilight Saga” demonstrates a strong work ethic which all Mormons have, cooking and cleaning are house hold chores that everyone does Mormon or not. The official motto for Mormon Utah is “industry” the symbol the beehive.

-A crucial Mormon belief is based upon the belief that individuals can become divine. In the “Twilight” series, the Cullen family who happen to be vampires was once a family of human beings but now live their day to day lives as immoratal beings who have been resurrected. This Immortality is like a probationary period for living an eternal life. Meyer describes the Cullen family as “Godlike” and “inhumanly beautiful.”

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– Mormons have a belief that angels are resurrected beings. The most popular is the angel Moroni who stands on top of every Mormon temple with trumpet in hand. The angel Moroni is stated in the Book of Mormon to be a fifth-century prophet who visited Joseph Smith Prophet and founder of the church here on earth in 1823. Prophet Joseph smith described the angel Moroni as radiating light and glorious beyond description. Much the same as Bella describes seeing Edward Cullen in the “Twilight Saga.” When Edward Cullen sits int he science lab behind him is a white owl with out stretched wings making it appear that the wings were on Edward Cullen’s Back. This is symbolic of angels.

– A very Unique Mormon Belief is that marriage is eternal and that a husband and wife can be sealed together for time and all eternity through temple marriage. the couples may also refer to each other as eternal companions. This is belief can be found or is brought to light when Bella described her relationship with Edward as “forever” (meaning eternal”).

– In the conclusion of the “Twilight Saga” Bella’s indian friend Jacob “imprints” on her daughter, this means he will marry her when she becomes of age and establish a genetic link to her vampire family. In the Mormon faith we recognize our common heritage with Native Americans through ancient Israel.

– The Book of Mormon teaches us that a small group of these ancient peoples came to America around 600 B.C. their descendents, the Lamanites; are among the ancestors of the Native Americans.

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I am sure that no one would ever have expected to see Mormon beliefs and symbology show up in a vampire series or movies about vampires but they are there representing the faithful members of our Heavenly Father’s Church.

I want to leave with you that I have a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and was called and instructed to translate the Book of Mormon here on earth so that all might come to know the truthfulness of the gospel.