Treating Skin Cancer Naturally

Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world today, with around one million new diagnoses each year in America alone. As the ozone layer continues to deteriorate, the rate of skin cancer cases will only increase. The National Cancer Institute predicts that close to half of all Americans who reach 65 will have some form of skin cancer at some point in their lives. Since we cannot completely avoid the sun and its UV radiation, which is responsible for 90% of skin cancer, what can be done?

Conventional medicine treats skin cancer in a variety of ways – most commonly by removing the affected area, but also laser therapy, chemical peels, radiation therapy, and other options depending on the severity of the case. None of these approaches, however, acknowledge the root of the problem, therefore the body remains susceptible to further illness. There is an alternative route to treating and preventing skin cancer, and that is holistic health. By healing the entire body and making responsible lifestyle choices, the effects of skin cancer can be lessened and sometimes avoided altogether. It is important to remember though that more severe types of skin cancer, such as malignant melanoma can be life threatening. Always consult your health care practitioner as soon as there is any sign of the disease – early recognition is the first and most crucial step to curing skin cancer.

Treating skin cancer naturally involves cleansing the body so it can operate properly, boosting immunity, and supplying the body with the tools it needs to repair itself. It also means giving up habits that are weighing down the body, adding toxins, or making it vulnerable to disease. This means no smoking or hard alcohol, reducing wine consumption, and avoiding stress.

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To treat skin cancer it is important to eat a range of fruits and vegetables to ensure your body is receiving adequate nutrition – vitamin supplements are not always enough because they are not readily absorbed by blood and tissue – but some nutrients are particularly important. Vitamin E may protect the skin from UV damage. Good sources of vitamin E are green leafy vegetables, asparagus, nuts, and wheat germ. Vitamin A works by increasing the rate of cell division, encouraging skin cell regeneration. Vitamin A is found in orange and yellow vegetables, spinach, turnips. Any creams with vitamin A are highly recommended as well.

Fatty foods, red meats, and dairy products should be eliminated from the diet wherever possible, while cold water fish should be added, and soy, which may decrease the rate of growth of skin cancer cells. Because of its high antioxidant content, green tea should be drunk daily, preferably 3 to 4 cups. Garlic should be consistently added to meals to increase immunity. There are an array of supplements that can be taken to treat skin cancer. Evening primrose oil capsules will help cell oxygenation, take 2000 mg a day. Turmeric capsules are also recommended because they have curcumin in them which is a powerful antioxidant. Also, try brewer’s yeast and wheat germ oil mixed with aloe vera juice as a daily tonic.

Herbs that will help with tissue regeneration are alfalfa, burdock, dandelion root, marshmallow root, oat straw, rose hips and yellow dock. To strengthen the liver, try ginger, goldenseal, nettles, sarsaparilla, and bilberry. Burdock and red clover are excellent blood cleansers. Ginkgo biloba can be taken for the immune system. Tea tree oil should be applied to the skin – it is a renowned antiseptic and anti-fungal. Also, to promote healing, comfrey, ragwort, and wood sage can be applied as poultices.

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The most important treatment for skin cancer is prevention. Avoid sunlight, especially between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm. When in the sun, wear sun block, sunglasses, and a hat. These measures are even more important for children. A severe burn during childhood increases the likelihood of developing skin cancer later in life immensely. Tanning salons are never a good idea. Check your own body regularly for signs of possible skin cancer, such as oddly shaped moles, open sores, and lesions forming on the face, lips, or ear. Although it isn’t necessary to eat every recommended food and drink every herbal infusion, holistic health requires healing all facets of one’s life, all of the time.


Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition (Penguin Group, 2006).

Page, Linda Ph.D., N.D. Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone, 11th Edition (Quality Books, Inc., March 2003).