Treating Bladder Infections Naturally

Bladder infections affect people every day. Bacteria found in the kidneys, urethra, or bladder are the most common cause of bladder infections, also known as urinary tract infections (UTI). The most common bacteria which are known to cause bladder infections are E. coli which is found in the body naturally. Poor hygiene, unprotected sex, and tight fitting underwear made of nylon can also contribute to bladder infections. Typical symptoms associated with bladder infections include feeling the urge to urinate frequently, a burning sensation experienced when urinating, and abdominal pain. Men and women alike find themselves victim of bladder infections although the condition occurs in women more often than men. Some individuals experience bladder infections on a recurring basis. Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat the condition. Natural remedies for treating bladder infections are also available.

Cystitis, a term which refers to an inflamed bladder, is the most common type of bladder infection. Urine may appear dark in color and cloudy with a strong odor. Blood may also be present in the urine. Untreated, the infection can worsen and cause pyelonephritis which occurs when the infections travels from the bladder to the kidneys. Pyelonephritis can be serious and needs immediate treatment in order to prevent long term kidney damage.

A natural way to treat and prevent bladder infections can occur by consuming cranberry juice. Bacteria have difficulty growing in the urine because cranberry juice causes the urine to be more acidic. Sugar can act as a fuel for bacteria to grow therefore cranberry juice which does not contain sugar is preferred. Some individuals find it difficult to consume pure cranberry juice which does not contain added sugar. These individuals can benefit from cranberry juice which is available in capsules.

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Another natural treatment available for UTIs is apple cider vinegar. Dilute the apple by adding 2 teaspoons to a full glass of water. Drinking the diluted apple cider vinegar twice a day can help battle the UTI.

There are many herbs an individual can take to help combat bladder infections. Uva ursi is an herb which contains antiseptic properties and acts particularly in the kidney area of the body. Pregnant women and individuals with kidney or liver disease should avoid uva ursi. Immune system boosters such as buchu, hypoxis rooperi, and golden rod can also help the body combat the UTI.

Preventing bladder infections can be accomplished by drinking plenty of water. Avoid holding urine in the bladder because it can lead to bacteria growth making a person more prone to infections as well as weakening the bladder. Products used in the vaginal area such as sanitary towels and sprays containing perfume can cause irritation to the urinary tract making a person more prone to infection.

Both men and women can be affected by bladder infections. Prescription medication and natural treatments are available to those suffering from bladder infections. Cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, and herbs can be used to combat the infection. Bladder treatments which go untreated can lead to permanent damage to the kidneys and other components of the urinary system in the body. Individuals who experience symptoms associated with bladder infections should seek treatment. Natural ways to treat bladder infections are effective and can make the symptoms associated with UTI a thing of the past.

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  1. Urinary Tract Infection,
  2. Cystitis,
  3. Uva ursi,