Travel Tips: Low-Budget Vacation Ideas

So you’re getting bummed out going to work every day, and decide it’s time for a break. Unfortunately, you don’t exactly have the funds to jet off to France or take a cruise in the Caribbean. All hope is not lost, however, as there are some low-budget vacations that you can take that can give you that much-needed change of pace without draining your savings account.

Even if I had all the money in the world, I’d still want to go camping once or twice a year. There’s just something about submerging yourself in nature for a few days that is refreshing and energizing. Most state parks cost under $20 a night for a camping site without running water or electricity, and only a few dollars more for those amenities. If you stay in state, it could get even cheaper. Buy a nice little pup tent for $50, pack a cooler with hamburgers, soda, lots of water, and some munchies and off you go!

Make sure you have firewood to build a mesmerizing campfire (just make sure it’s not dry season – often fires aren’t allowed if it’s too dry in the park). Then sit around with your Significant Other or the group of friends you’ve talked into joining you in your wild adventure, and discuss life, love, and anything else that strikes your fancy.

For some reason, I’ve discovered that when a group of people are staring into a fire, barely able to see each other, and munching on s’mores, they are a heck of a lot more honest and talkative. Some people might later deny ever having given a lecture on the meaning of love, but more often than not, you’ll end up with a deeper and more significant relationship with your fellow campers. Bring Frisbees, baseballs and gloves, and a soccer ball to entertain yourselves during the day, go hiking or bike riding, and make sure you have a great time! You might even lose a few pounds from all the activity!

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Day Trips
Hotels and airfare make up the majority of a typical vacation budget, and those aren’t even the focus of your vacation (unless you and your S.O. just need some “us” time and don’t plan on ever leaving your hotel room, but that’s another type of vacation altogether!). So why not stick close to home, or more accurately, stay at home, and venture out during the day to explore your own neck of the woods.

I know I grew up near a Six Flags, several state parks, the Volleyball and Basketball Halls of Fame, and the only one I’ve ever been to is the amusement park. So find your local tourism bureau’s website and find out why people from far away might come to visit your area on their vacations. Then make a list of five or six things you’d like to do or places you’d like to see, and do daily trips.

Hit up a museum and a famous restaurant one day, go to the local state park the next, and do a tour of historical buildings the following day. You’d be surprised what fun things there are to do in your own backyard, and I guarantee you’ll come to appreciate your surroundings a lot more (and the extra money left in your wallet).

Explore Your Interests
If you don’t even want to pay for museum admissions and parking fees, you don’t even have to leave your house to have a great vacation. Get some spa supplies and indulge in a bubble bath. Gather the pile of books you’ve been meaning to read and settle on your couch or outside on the lawn. Relish sleeping in late in your own bed, and make an elaborate breakfast every morning. Are there hobbies you’ve been wanting to get back into?

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Try painting or drawing, or pick up your knitting needles again. Sit down and write the first chapter of your book (or last, if you’ve been procrastinating because you “never have time”). Take time to get to know yourself again, away from work and other people. Take time to get to know your S.O. again, play board games and get silly. Just enjoy the simple fact that you have time. This might perhaps be the most relaxing, stress-free vacation you could give yourself.

So, depending on how low your budget is, these are three very easy, very fun vacation ideas. You don’t need to go to the latest “hot spot” or buy tacky souvenirs to have gone on vacation! You just need to do something different from your daily routine and enjoy yourself!