Top 5 Cruise Tips

As a regular patron of cruise ships, over the years I have cobbled together many cruise tips that are helpful to the prospective cruiser. Vacationing on a cruise is unlike any other vacation. While some people love the cruise experience, others hate it. Either way, if you find yourself heading to a cruise, the following cruise tips will make your experience more enjoyable.

Cruise Tip #1: Chose the Right Cruise Line

This is the most important cruise tip of all those listed here; choosing the right cruise line can mark the difference between an exceptional vacation and a terrible experience. Different cruise lines cater to different kinds of patrons and offer different activities, so a prospective cruiser will want to do a little research first.

Mid-market cruise lines offer big ships and a large range of activities. Cruise lines such as Royal Caribbean and Carnival are typical companies offering these types of cruises. On these ships you will find a very diverse crowd with a variety of ages. These types of cruises are popular with families and middle aged adults. There a plenty of activities for children, though the boat really caters to the adult crowd. Cruisers on these types of boats can be a bit younger than their higher-end counterparts, so if you are looking for a slightly younger crowd a big ship is the way to go.

With such big boats, there is a large variety of onboard and port call activities. For a wide variety of entertainment, activity, and crowd a large mid-market ship is your best option.

Higher end cruise ships cater to those with more money (and often more time, as these cruises can be longer than 7 days). As such, you will typically find an older crowd on the higher end cruise lines. Some of these lines include Celebrity, Azmara, and Regent Seven Seas.

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Lastly, some cruise lines specialize in maximize the experience for young cruisers. If traveling with children, a good option is a Disney cruise. There are many other families and children onboard, encouraging family fun.

This really is the most important cruise tip on the list, as the proper cruise line can make or break your vacation.

Cruise Tip #2: Show Up Early

Another important cruise tip if you do not like to waste time. Most cruise lines tell customers to embark no earlier than early afternoon. This is because many of these ships will pull into port in the morning, disembark all passengers, unload all luggage, and clean the ship before allowing new passengers to embark.

However, waiting to arrive at the port until the recommended time will result in long lines and a potentially several hour delay to get onboard. Arriving mid- to late morning will allow you to go through the processing lines earlier and significantly more quickly. A several hour wait to get onboard may be cut down to half an hour or less.

Although patrons will not be able to go to their cabin until early or mid-afternoon, all of the public areas of the ship will be open. There is usually a large buffet available, so passengers can eat and explore the ship while most of the other passengers wait in line to get onboard. Additionally, this is a good time to make spa appointments and book online excursions before space fills up.

Following this cruise tip can save you hours, giving you that much more time to enjoy your vacation.

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Cruise Tip #3: Choose the Right Destination

For families and individuals alike, this is a very important cruise tip. With such a variety of destinations, customers can get overwhelmed when choosing where to cruise. Popular options include the Caribbean, Alaska, the Mediterranean, even transoceanic cruises.

If travelling with children, avoid the poorer countries. In many of these ports mobs of local denizens mob the boats as they pull in, hawking their wares often panhandling. The crowds here can be monstrous – easy to lose children in. Some of these poorer countries do, however, offer some of the most adventurous excursions.

Pay attention to the weather; if you are looking for a sunny, warm cruise Alaska or the North Atlantic are not your best options. If you are looking for wildlife, Caribbean cruises stopping at will populated ports will not give you what you seek.

Following this cruise tip will allow you to maximize your vacation satisfaction by allowing you to travel to an area of the world that interests you.

Cruise Tip #4: Choose the Right Cabin

This cruise tip is all about comfort. From my experience, choosing to cruise in a suite makes the vacation much more enjoyable. A suite offers a balcony to get sun, usually access to a concierge lounge (where booze are free!), and ample space to get away from the masses on the boat. When thinking about luxury, a suite is the way to go.

If you cannot afford a suite, I would recommend at least getting a room with a balcony. These rooms are a bit larger than the standard fare, and offer a place of respite from the crowds on the ship. Additionally, it is a place to get some private sun and read in relative solitude.

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Adhering to this cruise tip will enhance your vacation experience by giving you more comfort and a place to get away from everyone else – making your vacation significantly more enjoyable.

Cruise Tip #5: Bring Your Own Drinking Water

Most cruise ships charge significantly for bottled water, sometimes more than $2 per bottle. To minimize this expense, buy a package or two of bottled water just before arriving at your ship. Stick a luggage tag to the case of water and it will be delivered to your cabin with all of your other luggage. If you drink a lot of water, this cruise tip can save you a lot of money.

This list of cruise tips offers some of my best advice for a cruise vacation. Following all of these cruise tips will maximize your cruising experience and allow you to become a regular cruiser. Who knows, you may soon be offering cruise tips of your own.