Toy Review: Play Wonder Play Kitchen

My daughter loves to help out in the kitchen. It is one of her favorite things to do. It doesn’t matter if I am making breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack she wants to be in the kitchen helping me. Since she has so much fun helping me in the real kitchen, we felt like a toy kitchen would be a great choice for her birthday gift.

I began my search on-line. I looked at several different toy store websites to see what I would find. Many of the toy kitchens that I found were made from plastic and looked somewhat like a real kitchen. I wanted a kitchen that would be more durable and that my children would be able to play with for a long time. For some reason a plastic kitchen just did not seem to be that toy to me. I began searching for wooden kitchens. I found several of these, however they all were so expensive. Plus many of them came in several pieces that had to be purchased individually, and each individual piece came with a large price on the tag. As with many families, we don’t have a money tree in our back yard waiting for us. We wanted to buy a kitchen, but we also had to be mindful of our wallet.

Then one day on a trip to Target I saw it. An adorable wooden blue kitchen set. My daughter happened to be with me and she immediately ran over to the display toy and started playing. I was afraid to look at the cost of the set, but I looked anyways. $59.99. What? Could this be too good to be true? My daughter wanted to take the kitchen home right then, but i told her that she would have to ask for it for her birthday and wait to see if she got it or not. I decided to do some more research on-line. I looked at the reviews on the Target website and the only complaint seemed to be that it was a bit difficult to assemble. I figured my husband and I could figure that out and that it would be well worth the extra effort to assemble the kitchen.

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We bought the kitchen for her birthday and put it together ourselves. It took us a few hours to get the kitchen together, our 5 year old son even helped. Before we could get the kitchen put together our daughter was already playing with the accessories that came along with it. The following accessories are all included with this set: kitchen sink, frying pan, cookie sheet, rubber scraper, wooden spoon, spatula, whisk, cutting board, and hanging rack. The set is a combination of a stove, oven, refrigerator, sink, and cutting board area. The stove has two burners. The refrigerator has a door with a handle and two shelves to store all of your play food. The oven has a see through door and two shelves for baking.

We have now had this toy for almost a year and it has held up perfectly. We have never had to put anything back together or worry about any pieces being broken. The only issue that we have had to deal with has been the rubber end coming off of the spatula. We just put it back on and the kids continue to play. There are also tons of accessories to go along with this kitchen. All are sold at Target in stores and on the stores web site.

All in all for the amount of money you pay for this set you are getting amazing quality. My family members were floored that I only had to spend $60 on this kitchen set. It looks like it is a much more expensive kitchen set. This toy will spark your child’s imagination over and over again. You will never know what he or she is cooking up next. My kids are always playing restaurant and family with the kitchen. The set really allows their imaginations to take them away to their own little world. That world sure is a fun place!

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