“Totally” Free Samples: How to Find Them

Are you looking to find free product samples online? If you are, you are not alone. A large number of individuals are just interested in getting free stuff, while many others like to test out products before they spend money on full size versions.

When it comes to finding free samples online, you will find a wide array of samples available for the taking. Unfortunately, not all of these free product sample offers are completely free. If you are not careful, a free product sample can end up costing you money and possibly a significant amount of money. If you are interested in receiving totally free samples, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the many catches that you will find, when requesting free samples online, is the cost of shipping. If you are required to pay the cost of shipping to receive a free sample, that sample cannot be considered a totally free product sample. Of course, some individuals will pay the cost of shipping to receive a great product sample, but the decision is yours to make. Should you decide to pay shipping to receive a free product sample, make sure it is reasonable. This is important as some free sample providers are known for charging high shipping fees.

Another one of the many catches that you may find involves signing up with participating sponsors, before receiving your free product sample. What is nice about these offers though is that many will state upfront that you will have to signup with a participating sponsor. This is often done with a little asterisk placed next to the phrase “free sample.” The offers that you may need to sign up for may be free newsletters or free trial periods, but you may also find yourself needing to pay for a service or a product. In these instances, you are not receiving a totally free sample.

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You may also find free sample offers that ask you to review the product in question. These types of free product samples can occasionally be referred to as totally free samples, but you might want to display caution. If you are asked to review a free sample that you received in the mail, you should be able to do so with a short, small questionnaire. Be cautious of anything that requires you to spend more than five or ten minutes reviewing a free sample. Although you do not have to pay any fees, it is important to remember that your time is worth something.

When searching for free product samples, as previously stated, it is your decision if you want to pay a small fee, complete a product evaluation, or signup with participating sponsors. With that in mind, it is important to remember that you should be able to gain access to a large number of totally free product samples. These samples can easily be found by visiting free sample websites or message boards or by visiting the online websites of your favorite product manufacturers, as many are known for occasionally offering free samples.
