Top Ten Travel Movies of All Time

Do you enjoy traveling? It’s my favorite thing to do. When I’m out of money and time to travel, the next best thing is to watch a travel vacation movie. I might not be able to go to Italy, but I can watch a movie about someone else traveling there. It may be that a Caribbean cruise is out of my money limits, but I can certainly enjoy some footage shot there in a travel movie. Here are ten must see travel vacation movies.

1. European Vacation (1985). Of course, Vacation is the best movie about people vacationing of all time. However, when you talk about traveling for vacation, people often think of Europe. This is why European Vacation is my favorite travel vacation movie of all time. Chevy Chase is back in another vacation movie where he and the family travel to Europe for some action packed fun. I think my favorite scene in the movie is when the Griswalds knock over the guy on his bicycle, played by Eric Idle, and he says, “It’s only a flesh wound,” when showing his pretty beat up injuries.

2. Eurotrip (2004). Europe is the setting of the second must see travel movie. In this travel flick, a group of guys go to Europe so that one of them meet up with his long time female pen pal who he has known for years.

3. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005). What I like about this movie is that not only are some of the girls traveling around, but the pants are also doing some traveling. It’s like you get a double dose of travel in this vacation travel flick. A group of four girls all try on the same pair of pants, and they fit all four of them. The pants must have some magic to them, so they decide to split the pants for the summer, with the pants traveling back and forth. Very unique idea for a travel movie.

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4. Munich (2005). Munich is based on a true story about the Israeli athletes killed at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. This is a different type of travel movie, as it is more of a drama about traveling around the world. The movie stars Eric Bana, who joins a group that sets out to kill those deemed responsible for the deaths of these Israeli athletes. Not only is this about traveling around the world, but it is also about the travel in Eric Bana’s mind, as he changes completely during the film. He no longer is himself when he returns, as he starts to question whether those he murdered were even part of the group responsible for the killings at the Olympics.

5. Seven Years in Tibet (1997). This movie stars Brad Pitt and is based on a true story. Two Austrians are hiking in India during World War II. The British capture them, and they escape by crossing into Tibet. While in Tibet, they actually meet the Dalai Lama and one of the two becomes friends with him. They stay in Tibet for seven years.

6. A Good Year (2006). Russell Crowe plays an investment businessman who travels to Provence, Italy. He has inherited a vineyard from his uncle. Crowe’s character gets suspended from his job on fraud suspicions, so he actually decides to stay at the vineyards. All is well until a girl shows up from California, claiming to be the illegitimate daughter of his uncle.

7. Wolf Creek (2005). If you’re looking for a scary horror travel movie, this is your pick. Three backpackers travel to Australia, but end up captured by a serial killer in the Australian outback. This probably was not their idea of the ideal travel vacation.

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8. Eat, Pray, Love (2010). This is a new release out for 2010, and is definitely a must see travel movie. It has more to offer than just someone traveling somewhere. The traveler also learns about herself and the world. Liz Gilbert, played by Julia Roberts, finds herself divorced. She no longer has the American dream, and so she sets out to find out what she wants out of life by traveling to Italy, India and Bali.

9. The Beach (2000). Leonardo DiCaprio stars in this travel film. He is backpacking in Thailand, trying to experience a different culture. He meets a crazy guy there, who gives him a map to a beach that is supposed to be paradise. The guy dies, so Leonardo’s character decides to go to the beach anyway. He takes along a couple. Adventures await on the island, as Leonardo falls for the female of the couple and starts an affair. The island also has weird happenings, and Leonardo feels as if he and the couple are in danger. Will they leave, or face what is ahead? If they stay, what will become of them?

10. The Bucket List (2007). Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson are both terminally ill with cancer. They decide to make a bucket list of everything they want to do before they die. Of course, many of the things involve traveling somewhere. Join them in their adventures as they see how much they can still get out of their lives.

What are your favorite travel and vacation movies?
