Top Ten Insane Clown Posse Songs

Insane Clown Posse hails from the great city of Detroit Michigan. Starting in 1991 as Inner City Posse and releasing an EP titled “Dog Beats.” The “Gangsta’ Rap” style didn’t fit right with what they wanted to accomplish, to distinguish themselves from other Hip Hop artists in the area at the time. Following Esham’s style of “Acid Rap” but making it their own Horror-Themed Style, they would be able to rap about difficulties they themselves lived with that would help others relate. With that, Insane Clown Posse was born.

From there, the listing of albums all have the “Dark Carnival” theme that has made Insane Clown Posse one of the greatest Rap duo’s of all time. The humor and dark violence has become a recognized culture and the fans of ICP are referred to as Juggalos (males) and Jugalettes (females.) The popular mascot, a running man (or woman) with a hatchet and dreadlocks, can be found on the clothing and chains of those fans attending their concerts or adorning their shirts.

This is just a small list of some of their more memorable songs.

10) Hokus Pokus
(The Great Milenko)
From the opening lyrics this is a fun song. With the circus themed music that punctuates most of the song and the description of the two clowns, (Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope) and the upbeat tempo makes you almost forget or ignore the violent imagery and even the language. Discussing some of the issues they faced (the beat down they received) makes this a memorable song, and great for any collection.

9) Tilt-A-Whirl
Another circus themed song (as typical) about a circus and a particular ride, that of which “sprays blood all over the neighborhood.” From the free ride they give the ‘chicken’ (a woman in ICP language) and the mocking of the rich asshole who thinks he’s better then the others at the carnival. A fun song, but the imagery can be a bit disturbing.

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8) Let’s Go All The Way

An awesome song by anyone’s standards. No real dark imagery or circus themes in this song, just one simple point, “look at those rich kids, poor kids, everybody together on the same side.” A theme of togetherness from a band like this makes this song that more great. This is definitely worth a listen to.

7) Rainbows N’ Stuff
A song like this, didn’t actually make sense to me when I found it, but, I decided to give it a listen and after I realized what it was I couldn’t stop laughing. The song starts out with a cheery, fun, happy tune then for the chorus changes to a dark, I hate you and all you stand for, screaming fit. Some of the lyrics are dark, but all-in-all this is one of the funniest tracks this group has produced to date.

6) The Neden Game
(The Great Milenko)
This another great laughing song. A “Dating Game” style song where two contestants vie for the lovely Sharon. Who asks serious questions, but unfortunately their answered by two of the most disturbing contestants in the world. The verbal fight between the two contestants at the end has to be one of the best vocals I’ve heard in a long time. Definately worth a listen and absolutely belongs on this list.

5) Tower
(The Tempest)
This dark song is loosely based on the shooting from the Unversity of Texas at Austin clock tower in 1966. It’s a disturbing but thought provoking song about what could have een going on in Charles Whitman’s (the shooter’s) mind. It starts off with an actual news report from the shooting that day and continues throughout until the end when the shooter is taken out by the police. It’s a great song and I don’t think it gets as much credit as it should.

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4) Fuck The World
(The Amazing Jeckel Brothers)

If there is an anthem for ICP and the Juggalos and Jugalettes then this is it. Fuck the World is exactly that, a commentary on what critics and others say about the band and thier violent look on life through thier music. Every fan knows this song and agrees with what Violent J says throughout. I’m sure this should be higher on the list, but I needed to make room for a few others that I think deserve it more.

3) Down With the Clown
(The Great Milenko)

For the fans of ICP this is how we feel. A fun song with poignant questions from Violent J asking his fans, through rap and utterly rhetorically, how down they would be if he went mainstream and did what everyone else did. How long would they be fans? Probably not too long, and this song is a great description as to why they sing about, what they sing about.

2) Posse on Broadway
(Take a Bite Outta Rhyme: A Rock Tribute to Rap)
How many of you remember Sir Mix-A-Lot and his famous song Posse on Broadway. This song is a remix with the exact same beat but with ICP’s unusual style embedded into it. From running down people in the street while trying to roll a joint to finding Kid Rock on the side of the road looking for drugs, this song will make you laugh hard from beginning to end. The reason I put it so high is because I feel it deserves it. A great song and a lot of fun to listen to.

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1) Juggalo Homies
(The Wraith: Shangri-Lai)
This has got to be the most famous song from ICP within the circles of Juggalos and Juggalettes. This song simply states that if you cant rely on anything else, you can always rely on your friends. This song is the best and will probably always be the best. This song will live in infamy long after the band is gone from our lives. This is the song you want to introduce people to. This is the song that anyone will like.

So this is nowhere near a complete listing of the greatest songs. I put these songs in a list myself. I know there are many, many others but this is a good core list of songs that, I think, you would probably like.

Enjoy the list and I hope it helps. MMFWCL to all my Juggalo Homies.