Top Ten Healthiest Foods

Everyone claims that they’ve become ‘health-conscious’ people. Is this even true? Let’s try looking at it this way: Most of the time, they mean they’re trying to lose weight and stop their intake of soda and all the junk food and fast food around. But in totality, not having these bad habits of eating at fast food restaurants all the time, or consuming bags and bags of Cheetos and Lays, is really not enough to keep the body healthy! We forget that we need daily doses of vitamins and minerals that not all multivitamins can give. The only best way to be really healthy is to eat healthy. Period. Why waste all your time exercising if you can’t have a healthy meal on a daily basis?

The good news for everyone is, there are many foods which we can find anywhere, are affordable and tasty at the same time! I’ve scanned multiple articles and a few health books and magazines on the healthiest foods we can eat. Surprisingly, they aren’t as ‘out there’ as many may think. Most are even simple fruits and veggies. After evaluating the different healthy foods enumerated by these articles, I was able to combine these and come up with the following top ten healthiest foods* of them all (plus the next five in ranking):

1. Berries

Who really knew? Berries contain phytochemicals and flavonoids that may help to prevent some diseases and are very high in antioxidant content. Eating a diet rich in berries shows that there is a reduced risk of several types of cancers. Strawberries are also an excellent source of vitamin C.

2. Apples

Apples have high antioxidant power, contain a lot of vitamin C, and helps against cancer and cholesterol. Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that helps lower blood cholesterol. Not only is this fruit inexpensive, it’s healthy, delicious, and contains only minimal calories! How can you ever go wrong with an apple a day?

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3. Broccoli

Personally, I love this one. When my doctor recommended it, I loved it even more! Broccoli is best known for the protection it gives against one of the worst enemies man can face – cancer. Rich in potent cancer-fighting components, this vegetable is hailed as healthiest of all them greens. Also, it has more vitamin C than oranges, and is also rich in multiple essential vitamins. And it doesn’t stop there. It’s seen to also help prevent diabetes and heart disease, and boosts our immune system!

4. Citrus Fruits

More fruits. This time the yellow – orange ones. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes, are the only source of lemonoids, which work with phytochemicals in citrus to help fight against certain cancers. Aside from the high vitamin C content in these fruits, other nutrients including folate, potassium, and fiber are also provided. Other Health Benefits include reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. they also aid in the body’s healing process.

5. Nuts

Nuts are generally healthy, but Almonds in particular are packed with a variety of nutrients. It lowers LDL-Cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. Almonds also provide double-barreled protection against diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Whole almonds (with skins) provide most heart-healthy benefits. Like all nuts, almonds provide one of the best plant sources of protein.

6. Salmon

They say that you’ll live longer if you eat a lot of fish. But not all fish are the same, and this type is exceptionally nutritious. Salmon, which is extremely good for the heart, is low in calories and saturated fat, yet high in protein, and a unique type of health-promoting fat, the omega-3 essential fatty acids which the body cannot produce. It makes your blood less likely to form clots that may cause heart attacks.

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7. Spinach

Popeye was right! Spinach nutrition is amazing. The plant compounds in spinach may boost your immune system and may help keep your hair and skin healthy. Spinach’s secret weapon, Lutein, makes it one of the best foods in the world to prevent cataracts, as well as age related muscular degeneration, the leading cause of preventable blindness in the elderly. This leafy green also protects against osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer, arthritis, and other diseases at the same time.

8. Beans

Beans, beans, beans. Contrary to popular belief, these aren’t just to make you fart. Beans (Soya, Green soy, Black, Mung, and Red Beans) have been proven to be a major player in the fight against cancer. Beyond that, they are high in protein,beneficial to those with diabetes, and help lower cholesterol. They provide a major source of soluble fiber, which, when passing through the digestive tract grabs and traps bile that contains cholesterol, removing it from the body before it’s absorbed. Those with diabetes are benefited by eating beans.

9. Garlic

Next on the list is an uncommon type, Garlic.Regular consumption of garlic can lower our blood pressure, and decrease LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol. Garlic also has anti-Inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Also, with onions, they are protective against many cancers. All in all, studies show that Garlic promotes optimal health.

10. Wheat Germ

Wheat Germ always has provided an impressive bundle of nutrients. At the center of a grain of wheat is the wheat germ. Though only a small part of the wheat seed, the germ is a highly concentrated source of nutrients, including niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc. The germ also contains protein, fiber and naturally occurring polyunsaturated fat.

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But wait, let’s not leave behind the five runners-up:
11. Oats
12. Tomatoes
13. Turkey
14. Vegetable Juice
15. Olive Oil

Remember, eat well, eat healthy, live healthy! I truly believe in the saying, “We are what we eat.” Don’t you think so, too?

*note: These may not be in any particular order.

Mayo Clinic Staff, “10 great health foods for eating well.” Mayo Clinic.
Rubina, “Top 10 Healthiest Foods.” My Wacko Space Blog.
Editors of Fitness Magazine, “Antioxidants: Top 10 Healthy Foods.” Fitness Magazine.
Karen Ciancio, “Super Foods – The 10 Healthiest Foods to Eat.” Asked Web.
Katarina HD, “Top 10 Healthiest Foods on the Planet.” Date Pad.
Donna Sundblad, “Top 10 Healthiest Foods.” Love To Know
