Top Ten Graduation Gifts from Parents

Graduation – whether from high school college, or graduate school – is an enormous accomplishment. It means that the graduate worked hard, managed their time, and was focused enough to complete the required courses. It is an end to one portion of life and the beginning of another – an exciting, yet scary transition.

Parents know that they need to get their child a graduation gift, but where to start? Should parents buy the most extravagant present they can think of, or should the gift be personal and full of meaning? The answers to those questions vary largely depending on the individual in mind. What would your child want, and what would mean most to them?

This article lists the top ten graduate gifts from parents to children. Let these ideas provide a jumping-off point for creative juices to flow. The most important thing is that you put thought and love into a graduation gift; your child will know that you put thought and energy into acquiring the gift.

The first three gift ideas are expensive, but not at all expected. Some parents choose to give a pricey gift at graduation, while for others, it’s a much smaller affair.

1. Car

If you didn’t allow your child to have a vehicle during high school, graduation is a good place to start. Or maybe your child’s ’90 Buick just isn’t cutting it after four years in college, and you want to provide an upgrade. Whatever the reason, a car is a very exciting gift, and should be given serious thought. Is your child (whether high school or college graduate) capable of assuming the responsibility of a car? Are they level-headed enough to perform regular oil changes and tire rotations? If the answer is yes, and a car is within your budget, then this is a wonderful gift idea.

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2. Vacation

Some students dream of touring Europe after graduation, while others have their feet firmly planted in their hometown. A summer vacation is a great way to allow your graduate to see the world, think hard about their future, and begin to appreciate life beyond the four walls of high school. You might also consider making it not a vacation, but a summer abroad. For graduation, offer to send your graduate to Europe or New Zealand for the first semester of their sophomore year. It isn’t recommended for the freshman year, but they can wait twelve months to travel, don’t you think?

3. Computer

Colleges are growing increasingly high-tech, and it’s almost impossible for a student to get along without a computer. If you have one at home that you plan to send with your graduate, that’s fine. But if you need ideas for a graduation present, a computer is a great start. Be sure to shop around and find the best model for a student. A laptop might be better than a desktop computer, but either way, it should be as compact as possible. The computer will probably be used quite a bit, so nothing fancy is needed.

4. Books

It’s entirely possible that your graduate is tired of the printed page, but if you have a reader on your hands, books are a very personal gift. Perhaps you can find a first edition of their favorite novel in hardcover, or a gift set containing books by their favorite author. My mother gave me an antique copy of To Kill A Mockingbird for my high school graduation, and it sits proudly on a shelf in my living room to this day. If your graduate is religious, a fancy bible with a leather cover also makes a classy gift.

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5. Gift Basket

This doesn’t have to be one of those gourmet baskets filled with sausage and cheese. Perhaps you could put together a gift basket filled with notebooks, paper, highlighters, pens, diskettes, post-its and book covers. Include a prepaid phone card so that he or she can always call home, or stationery and stamps so that they can write home every so often.

6. Jewelry

If you have an antique heirloom that you want to pass down, graduation is an excellent time to do it. You might pick out a nice pair of earrings for a girl, or a nice watch for a boy. Jewelry boxes also make beautiful gifts, or a tie rack for your son.

7. Scrapbook

Scrapbooks and photo albums are personal, cry-worthy gifts for your children. Compile pictures, report cards, certificates of achievement and other memorabilia and put them all into a bound book for your child to carry with them. Write notes and memories next to each page so that your child can remember days long past.

8. Gift Certificates

Although these sometimes seem impersonal, I prefer them to money. Purchase a gift certificate at your graduate’s favorite store, or even multiple stores. You could buy movies passes to go along with it. Put the certificate(s) in an envelope with a touching card, and you have a beautiful graduation gift.

9. Alcohol

If you have a college graduate who enjoys liquor, put together a basket of wines, whiskeys, or cognacs and give it as a graduation gift. When graduates are moving beyond college and into the real world, they are adults who might need a drink after a long, hard day at work.

See also  Creative Graduation Gifts

10. Artwork

For both college-bound students and college graduates, artwork can make a dorm room or a first apartment feel like home. Purchase several prints at an art store or even a special painting to hang in their room.