Top Ramen Recipes

When first moving out of home and into a place all your own whether it is a college dormitory or your first apartment, getting used to paying bills and buying groceries can be very difficult at first. It may take your first couple of paychecks to get into the regime of buying constant groceries but until then you are broke, and need to know how to survive off of America’s cheapest food; Top Ramen. I have personally gone through my “buying grocery” stages and have experience the dreadfulness of having to live solely off of top ramen, and would like to share with you how I perfected a meal so plain and turned into something exciting every time for cheap inexpensive ways.

Now there is a whole list of different ramen flavors out there, but let us assume that you are sticking with chicken and beef. The first recipe I share with you is simple and just requires cheese, cheddar preferably, when the ramen is done cooking and you are waiting for it to cool down slice a few pieces of cheddar cheese into the bowl and let melt. This way you have a cheesy ramen meal, simple but yet not as boring as plain chicken or beef ramen.

The next recipe is a little more extravagant and requires an additional product but is also very inexpensive. Tuna fish! Once your ramen has cooled down mix two cans of tuna fish (any kind of your choice) into the bowl of noodles, stir around until satisfied. This adds a casserole feel to your ramen noodles and will also taste better than just plain noodles.

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For your third recipe you should have became used to buying a little more groceries but unfortunately have to come back to the ramen. With this recipe you take just one egg and cook it with the ramen and diced spam. You will have to dice the spam yourself because it does not come this way, but this will add some more texture to the boring feeling of noodles in your mouth. As for the egg it adds a lot of flavor, be sure to top off with pepper or salt.

As for your final recipe using the main ingredient of top ramen, gather once again another package of top ramen (flavor of your choice), salt and pepper, white chicken breast, and one onion. Slice the chicken breast and onion and add to the top ramen with salt and pepper, cool until properly done and there you have it!

These are all different ways you can make top ramen; there are many more ways out there waiting to be thought of. Get creative start thinking of some up that would better suit your tastes. Experiment with different vegetables and meats, different seasonings, and even fruits. The more ideas you have on how to make your top ramen a more interesting meal will determine how often you get stuck with plain boring noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.