Top Information Sites Online: From Wikipedia to Webster

Whether you want to write an article for Associated Content, working on a historical novel, or just need the basics on a subject for a school paper, there are so many sites online with information its easy to get lost. What’s legit and what isn’t? This article will tell you the top sites for basic information. There are thousands of outlets for information on the world wide web, so this article will detail just a few hoping they will guide you to the information you might interested in.

Wikipedia – Wikipedia is easily the most comprehensive site listed here. It’s simple interface, making adding content a breeze, make it accessible to just about everyone. Subjects like history, novel universes, science fiction worlds of movies or Television, or maybe the date that escapes your grasp, can all be found by just typing in the words. Most researchers advise against using Wikipedia, as many of the statements don’t have sources, but just as many do. Many teachers won’t allow a citation from Wikipedia, but it still can give you the basics you need, as well as leading you to more academic, if boring, articles. Wikipedia sticks to the facts for the most part. It can be hard if you don’t know the correct spelling of what your looking for, which leads to the next resource.

Webster Online Dictionary – Is it Jean Luc Picard or Jean-Luc Picard? Ceasar or Caesar? Webster online database is perhaps site here with the longest history. If you don’t have a dictionary, you don’t need one; and if you do, don’t waste your time digging it out. Make sure you go to and not, as the second will lead you to a different dictionary. Webster is the best of the dictionaries in print, so it’s a source that can be trusted. Most teachers don’t want a dictionary definition, but for other articles it will give you the basics. There is also a “Word of the Day” feature which can be emailed to those interested.

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About – This is the most opinionated of the sites listed here. hires out writers to fill its pages with content, actually paying some of them enough to make a living at it, but that’s another story. All the major subjects are covered at About in detail, from history to how-to on anything from computer design to fantasy and science fiction novels. Still working on that novel? About will guide you through the process of finishing it and sending it out to publishers. Want to create a web site? About has countless tools to be used in developing it.

Son of Citation Machine – Since works for school was mentioned, Son of Citation Machine should be noted. Son of Citation Machine doesn’t just have a classy name, but it can be a handy resource. Any work that you want to cite can be cited and typed out for you, whether it’s Chicago style or MLA style. This site deserves to be checked out by any student.

This article should point you in the right direction for your project. As many were missed as mentioned, but in the spirit of brevity this article was kept short, readable, and easy to comprehend.