How to Write for Associated Content Guide

Many people have asked me can you tell me How to Write for Associated Content? They sometimes have a have a hard time figuring out how to sign up at Associated Content, they want to know how they get paid, and most of all they want to know what to write about. With this “How to Write for Associated Content Guide” I will explain what you need to know to get signed up with AC, how you get paid and give you ideas on things to write about.

Signing up With Associated Content

Go to and click on “Get Started” or follow this link Follow the directions and sign up to be a Content Producer for Associated Content. It is a very simple process. You can use your real name or a pen name.

Getting Paid from Associated Content

You have to live in the United States to get paid from Associated Content for now. They only pay through pay pal so if you do not already have an account with pay pal you will need to get one in order to get paid. Go to to get your account set up. Some may say pay pal is not safe but I have been using it for 2 years and have never had a problem.

So you have signed up and you have pay pal, now you want to know how does Associated Content pay you? When you submit the articles you have written someone from associated content will read it within a week to 10 days usually. If the article you have written is accepted for pay you will receive an email from associated content. This email will have a link for you to click on that will take you to where your content is at on associated content and you will see the offer associated content is giving you. You then decide if you want to accept the offer. Payments are sent to your pay pal Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

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What to Write About

Topics to write about are endless. Start with what you know. Write about interesting places where you live such as amusement parks, campgrounds, museums and etc, write about any health problems you know about. Do you have asthma, diabetes, etc? If you don’t know as much as you should know about the subject do some research? Do not copy someone else’s writings though Associated Content checks for this and if you do this you could risk not being able to write anything further for associated content. Other subjects could be writing about celebrities, politicians or ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Almost anything you can think of can become a great article for associated content. Associated Content also sends out a call for content which are ideas or suggestions for topics that associated content would like to have writings covering the subject.

Associated Content is not a place to get rich writing for. The typical pay is $5 to $10 per article. Most people who write for associated content do not do it solely for the money. We write for associated content because we love writing. Content producers at Associated Content are people who enjoy writing, people who have the urge to always put their thoughts, desires and opinions down in writing for others to read. If you hate to write and are just looking to make extra money it can probably be done but it will not be very enjoyable. Writing is like any other job if you do not like the job then you will not be good at it.

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If you are a writer at heart though and you want your writings put out for the online world to read then associated content may just be the write place for you. You do have to have a thick skin though. You will get good comments from people but you will also get bad comments. You are the only one who likes everything you write you can not expect everyone to like what you have written or agree with what you have written. Don’t take anything personally remember no one knows you personally they are only commenting on what you have written, not you as a person.

With this How to Write for Associated Content Guide you have the basics you need to get started. There is a lot more to learn to get the best experience out of writing for associated content, this however is the basics to get you started writing. So sign up, write, get paid and above all else enjoy the experience of being a Content Producer for Associated Content.
