Top Five Quick and Easy Tortilla Treats

What is the best food staple since sliced bread? The tortilla! Tortillas come in many different sizes and flavors, and they are incredibly versatile. In fact, I would even say that tortillas are even more adaptable and multi-purpose than bread. Bread does have many uses, of course, but tortillas have so many more recipe possibilities.

Whether you want to purchase corn or flour tortillas or flavored tortillas (such as spinach, sun-dried tomato, or whole grain), you usually have size choices. I generally opt for the 8-inch size, basically because those make a good serving size. Sometimes the corn tortillas only come in a 6-inch size, and those are fine, too. Regardless of your tortilla type or size there is one step you must do to make them more pliable and easier to work with. Place them in a small stack on a microwave-safe plate, cover with a paper towel, and microwave for about 10 seconds, or until they are warm. That’s it-now you are ready to go!

The snacks and meals you can make with tortillas are only limited by your imagination and the ingredients you have on hand. You can make savory appetizers, sweet desserts, and everything in-between. Here are my top five favorite quick and easy ways to use tortillas:

Quesadillas: I make these in my toaster oven or, if I need a larger amount, I use the regular oven. They are quite simple and you can change the ingredients around to suit your tastes. I use precooked shredded chicken (leftover or canned), salsa, a drained can of corn, and cheese. After spraying a baking sheet, I lay a tortilla down, and then spread the chicken, salsa, and corn on the tortilla. I add some shredded cheese, place another tortilla on top, and sprinkle with some more cheese. Then the baking sheet goes into a 400 degree oven for about 6-7 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the tortillas are lightly browned. I use a pizza cutter to cut them into wedges and serve with sour cream.

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Lunchmeat Spirals: These are really a snap to make, and you can use whatever lunchmeat you have on hand. My kids love to eat these for lunch. I just spread a tortilla with a thin layer of low-fat cream cheese and then place a slice or two of lunchmeat over the cream cheese. Sometimes I add a lettuce leaf or some bean sprouts on top of the lunchmeat. Then, I roll the tortilla up and slice it into pinwheels. These can be made ahead of time and refrigerated and work great as party appetizers.

Cinnamon Sugar Roll-Ups: If you want a low-fat dessert that is quick and easy, this one is for you. All you need to do is spread a little butter or margarine on a tortilla, sprinkle it with cinnamon-sugar, roll it up, and microwave it for about 30 seconds. Yum!

Snack Strips: These are similar to chips, but much tastier-and since they are baked and not fried, they are a healthier choice than most chips as well. First, spray one tortilla per person with cooking spray. Then sprinkle with your choice of seasonings. You can use any types of seasonings that your family enjoys, such as garlic powder, cayenne pepper, onion powder, and/or salt. Or, try sprinkling them with a packet of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix. Experiment and find combinations that you like best. After the tortillas are sprinkled, use a pair of kitchen scissors and cut them into strips onto a baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for about 8-10 minutes or until browned, turning once.

Pizzas: Tortilla pizzas are very fast to make in the toaster oven or regular oven. I use a double crust, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. I put one tortilla on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle generously with cheese, and top with another tortilla. On top of the second tortilla, I spread some pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce, about a tablespoon or two (using more than that is not a good idea because the tortilla will get soggy and flimsy). Next goes a few slices of turkey pepperoni, then some more cheese. Then the pizza gets baked at 400 degrees for about 6-7 minutes or until the cheese is melted and gooey.

See also  Quick and Easy Meals Using Tortillas

There are hundreds more recipes and menu ideas for tortillas, from burritos to Mexican pizzas to enchiladas and more. Search any recipe website or cookbook and you are bound to find dozens of good ideas. And since tortillas are so kid-friendly (they are soft and tasty like bread, but no crusts!), it just makes sense to keep a package or two on hand for times when you need a fast and easy snack or meal. I hope my favorites have inspired you to find a favorite or two of your own!