Top Five Online Jobs

Over the past year and a half I have spent a lot of time searching for the most time and money efficient online jobs. I have ranked the jobs based on a few standards: (1) Average Hourly Pay, (2) easyness of work, and (3) how difficult it is to get paid! I have only included jobs that have paid me.

1. Associated Content – I have been doing work on Associated Content for quite some time and admittedly the hourly pay is quite low when you are first starting out. However, the pay picks up after you start publishing more articles. Writing for Associated Content is quite enjoyable and very easy if writing is your thing. The main reason why I ranked AC number one is because of their form of payment. I can easily get paid through paypal which then allows me to direct deposit into my bank acount or spend the money instantly online!

Average Associated Content Hourly Pay: $5-10/hr

2. ChaCha! – Being a ChaCha guide provides you with a good chunk of extra cash and a really easy job, especially if you are an expeditor. You essentially do mindless clicking and make about $.02 per answer. The drawback to ChaCha is the form of payment. You can have them direct deposit money into your account but you are required to make at least $100 by the payment date or you can have them set up a debit card for you with an internet bank, which gets to be a pain in the butt and requires you to send sensitive information over the internet.

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Average ChaCha Hourly Pay: $6-11/hr

3. KGB – This is very similar to ChaCha, in that you are working for a text answering service. KGB requires a bit more research for every answer and you make about $.10 per answer. The problem with KGB is that at times it is quite slow and hourly rates can go down quite a bit. They pay through direct deposit once a month with no minimum.

Average KGB Hourly Pay: $4-7/hr

4. Freebie Trading – Sites like can get you started in the freebie trading buisness really fast. My first day of trading I made about $125. Unfortunately, you’re required to use your credit card to sign up for silly offers. They pay is eratic and at times it becomes hard to find work. See my article on freebie trading here!

Average Freebie Trading Hourly Pay: $10-15/hr

5. Amazon Mechanical Turk – The pay rate is incredibly slow and you do a lot of work for just a few cents. The work is very simple but very tedious. They pay through check.

Average Amazon Mechanical Turk Pay: $2-4/hr

There are plenty of great options out there to make money online. None of them will make you rich, but they will get you some decent part time money!