Top Coloring Products for Toddlers

The top coloring products for toddlers are not just crayons. Toddlers can explore coloring with other art products as well.

Toddlers grasp drawing utensils in their own way. They hold them kind of funny, and not always in a consistent way. They also tend to still switch back and forth between their left and right hands.

If you have not tried coloring yet with a toddlers 12 months and up, it might be time to try. When an older toddler, is always trying to grab pens and pencils out of the hands of others and try to make marks on the page, they are showing an interest. When they show interest they are showing you that they are ready to start exploring the wonderful world of coloring.

The writing utensils that are the easiest to handle for toddlers are larger than used by older kids and adults. Some toddlers can handle the regular sized crayon, and may even be able to make a mark with a standard size number two pencil.

Before sitting down with a toddler to color, there are some things that you might want to do. Some toddlers find it easier to color with crayons that have no tips. Break the tips off the crayons, leaving two flat sides.

It’s also sometimes easier for toddlers to make their first coloring marks when the crayon is peeled. Without the paper on the crayon, the toddler can roll it around, and find other ways to make marks, since there is more crayon surface.

Top Coloring Products for Toddlers

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Top Coloring Product for Toddlers: 1. Flatsiders No-Roll Crayons by Sargent Art

Flastsiders are an ingenious invention. Crayons roll. Right off the table. The toddler might spend more time getting in and out of a chair to retrieve rolling crayons than he will coloring. Flatsiders alleviate that problem. Flatsiders look like someone sliced one rounded side off the crayon. Because of the flat side, the crayons are less likely to roll off the table.

Top Coloring Product for Toddlers: 2. Jumbo Washable Crayons

Jumbo washable crayons are wide and easy for a toddler to grasp. They come in standard crayon colors and in are made by a number of different manufacturers.

Top Coloring Product for Toddlers: 3. Jumbo Chalk

Chalk is typically recommended for children ages three and up. In some day care settings younger toddlers find their way to pieces of chalk and quickly discover how easily the chalk can make marks. Used with supervision, dust-free chalk can be one way to start a toddler on the way to a world of coloring.

Top Coloring Product for Toddlers: 4. Small Blackboard

A small blackboard can be used with the jumbo dust-free chalk. Find a small, laptop or floor-top chalk board. Or there are some easels that come with a chalkboard on one side. Parents can also paint a wall, a piece of wood, or furniture with chalkboard paint to create a drawing service for toddlers.

Top Coloring Product for Toddlers: 5. Black or Dark Construction Paper

Black or dark construction paper can be used for any toddler coloring project. It can be used with chalk, or it can be used with lighter crayons. Some toddlers tend to grab the yellow white crayons, and then cannot see the marks they made on the paper. For the toddlers who like the lighter colors, keep black and dark construction paper in your coloring paper bin.