Top Blogs About Romance Novels

Romance novels are a very popular reading material, even though many mock them as trash or not worth reading. As a librarian, I must tell you that these mockers are also closet romance readers, they just don’t want to admit it out loud. I, for one, am very open about my love of a good romance novel. Here are some great blogs maintained by my fellow romance fans.

Smart Bitches Trashy Novels is a great blog that embraces that fact that many of the biggest fans of romance novels are very smart women. The blog offers reviews that are honest, blunt, funny and snarky along side industry news and topics of interest to the two women that written and maintain the blog.

Dear Author
covers the same basic territory are SBTN, but the reviews and added items or interest are written in a more subtle and polite manner. There is a lot of information on eBooks and technology that is important to books and publishing on the blog as well.

Lusty Reader is a blog written and maintained by a fellow book lover. She does not update the blog as often as I would like, but her entries are worth the wait. Posts consist of reviews, book giveaways, comments on how and why she picks up particular titles and crises that every book lover will understand.

Book Thingo is a blog of reviews, industry information and related rants by romance readers in Australia. I have found that often their opinions and my own are very close, so if I am undecided about picking up a book I often check to see if they have reviewed it yet. I also like seeing the difference in book covers between the Australian and United States.

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Alpha Heroes is another blog with reviews, book news and other relevant information. I really like the blog’s conversational style and regular posts about books in the life of our blogger.

Fiction Vixen originally caught my eye because of its name, then when I saw the tag line “Reading is Sexy” I had to agree and was hooked. Yes, there are the standard book reviews, reviews of related products, and some giveaways, but some of the posts made to vent the frustration of waiting for the next book in a series or general life have made me laugh out loud.

Impressions of a Reader is another quality romance review blog. What I like about this blog is that it often mentions books that I had not already heard about. Since I work in a library that is not always easy to do. I really enjoy the wide range of romance books that are described, it inspires me to read something outside my normal selection of authors and sub-genres.

Isn’t It Romance
is another blog that offers reviews of books inside and outside the expected realm or romance. I like having new suggestions to stretch my reading library and find that this blog helps me with that..

If you would rather stick with tried and true romance then you might want to check out True Romance , a blog done by Borders. You will see giveaways, coming events, author interviews and book reviews of some of the best known authors. If you tend to stick with the best selling authors then this blog will appeal to you.

The Misadventures of Super Librarian
is the blog I wish I was writing, and may just be the model I will follow. The blog offers reviews of romance novels, information on books that caught the eye inn the library along with posts about life in general. I really like her posts on random romance books that she find in the library that look either appalling, troubling, or just interesting.