Top 7 Baby Shower Gifts for Twins

If you know someone who is having twins and you are invited to their baby shower, you may not know what they may need the most. Expecting mothers always need the basics but when someone is having twins, the more organized they are, the better. When giving a gift to a mom expecting twins, place your gift into a laundry basket. You can decorate the basket with balloons and ribbons. She will appreciate the basket and will use it often. Here are some suggestions to put in your basket.

Basket #1: A basket of basics. Add sleepers, blankets, shirts, socks and diapers. You don’t need to be particular on the basics because she will use them no matter what. Most twins are born prematurely so keep this in mind when considering the size.

Basket #2: A basket for feeding. In this basket include a few bottles of each: Playtex Nurser, bags, regular Gerber bottles and Advent. You can buy what you preferred. She will use them all eventually. Most of the time, we say we are going to start out feeding a certain way but somewhere down the line we switch. Even if she says she will be breast feeding, get her some bottles. Add a bottle brush and a pacifier. Remember that pacifiers come in different sizes and colors. Get two for newborns and two for six months and up. Buy a set of storage containers of different sizes. The containers can be used for so many things. Add spill proof training cups, spoons and forks. Finish your basket off with bibs and burping clothes. All of these items will be used and when the babies are ready for them, mom will be prepared for them too.

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Basket #3: A basket for changing. A mother of twins will go through over 300 diapers during the first month alone. Buying diapers either preemie or stage 1 will be very helpful. Also add baby wipes, at least two tubs, one package of cloth diapers, diaper pins, diaper covers, a diaper pail and baby detergent like Dreft or Ivory Snow. There are so many reasons for buying cloth diapers. First, if the babies develop a diaper rash, sometimes putting cloth diapers on baby will allow the rash to dry up quicker because the fabric allows air to get to the rash. Second, if mom or dad forgets to buy disposable diapers at the store, they will have a back up until they can go to the store. Cloth diapers are great for just about everything. Buying the pail and detergent will allow a place for soiled cloth diapers until they can be laundered. Also add some ointment such as A&D; Ointment.

Basket #4: A basket for bathing. You will need to purchase two packages of baby wash clothes, towels, two hooded robes, shampoo, body wash, baby oil and lotion. You may want to purchase two boxes of Huggies washcloths. These are great when baby needs a quick bath. Add safety swabs and cotton balls, Include a few bathing toys, a bath water thermometer, a cover for the spout and knobs so that the babies don’t bump their heads when they get old enough to sit in the tub. Finally, purchase a baby bath tub for newborns.

Basket #5: The Survival Basket. In this basket, add baby fingernail clippers, file and nail scissors. Include a first aid kit a night light, sun block, a water bottle, a nice bottle bag, a misquito net for outdoors and some repellant and an umbrella. If it is winter time, include mittens, hats and extra blankets.

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Basket #6: The Sick Basket. Every mom knows that fevers go up in the middle of the night. The thoughtful person who thinks of this gift basket will be remembered. In this basket, include a table top Cool mist humidifier, Vicks Vapor Rub for infants, Infant Tylenol, Infant Motrin, Pediacare for stuffy nose and nasal congestion, chap stick, box of tissues, a bottle of Pedialyte or the mix for those times the babies have an upset tummy, a thermometer and a bottle of Johnsons & Johnsons Vapor Bath.

Basket #7: Mom’s Basket. With twins, mom will not have much time to soak in a hot tub and catch up on her favorite novel. But mom needs pampered too. In her basket, include a satin pair of sleepwear, a robe, lavender lotion, hair clips or bands and a journal to write in when she can. With twins, a mom is so busy the first year that it is easy to forget those little special moments. After the babies are born and everyone is no longer dropping in to see the babies, stop by and visit mom. She will appreciate the visit and maybe offer to watch the babies long enough for her to use her basket.