Baby Shower Gifts for Second Time Moms

Second time mothers already have most of the baby gear they need. This problem can be compounded if the second time mom is expecting a baby of the same gender as her firstborn and does not need many new clothes for the baby. Here are a variety of baby shower gift ideas for things second time moms really do need for their growing nests.

Clothing Shower Gifts for Second Time Moms
If second time moms are having a baby of the same sex as their first born child they may have saved clothes to hand down to their second born child. This does not mean they may not need or appreciate a few new clothing items at a baby shower though. Bibs and burp cloths get stained and worn out from repeated washings and the Velcro closures wear out on bibs frequently. These are good bets for shower gifts for second time mothers. A few key pieces of seasonal clothing are appreciated by second time moms at baby showers to add and expand a wardrobe for the new baby if the second born child is the same sex as the first born. Other items that second time moms may not want to hand down to second born children and prefer to replace are socks, underwear, and swimsuits. These items are also likely to be helpful baby shower gifts for second time mothers. A few new burp cloths can also be a nice shower gift for mothers of second babies as they tend to get stained and worn from being washed frequently.

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High Use Baby Shower Gifts for Second Time Moms
High use items that can get worn out from repeated use that mothers of second born children may appreciate being able to replace are good ideas for baby shower gifts. A new diaper and wipes clutch to replace the one she’s been slamming around in her purse or diaper bag is handy to pass off with the baby for quick diaper changes. A new diaper changing pad and diaper bag are also items that second time moms have hauled around in grimy places and make good baby shower gifts. Baby food spoons coated with rubber to protect little gums also wear out over time and make good baby shower gifts for second time moms.

Feeding Items for Baby Shower Gifts for Second Time Moms
Bottle feeding second time moms may wish to replace old nipples, bottle brushes, and bottles to upgrade to ones that are BPA free and unworn so these could be potential baby shower gifts. Baby shower gifts for second time breastfeeding moms might include a nursing cover or shawl, a new Boppy or other nursing pillow slipcover, nursing pads, or a small tube of lanolin.

Older children are often still using child-sized dishes and meal items that second time moms will need for their growing nest. Eventually the second baby will grow up to be a toddler and also need an assortment of toddler silverware, plates, and bowls to eat from separate from the first born child so these can also make good baby shower gifts for the second time mom. Trainer cups and sippy cups also make good baby shower gifts for second time moms because valves for the cups get lost, new versions and designs come out, safety features like BPA free plastic are added, and older children may have chewed and scratched up the spouts of the cups.

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Health and Toiletry Baby Shower Gifts for Second Time Moms
Second time moms also need to go through their medicine cabinet to replace expired or used up medications for new babies. Baby shower gifts of infant medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or infant’s ibuprofen (Motrin) help second time mothers to replenish their stock of items to be ready for their new additions. Diaper pastes or ointments and toiletry items like baby lotion, and baby wash are also helpful baby shower gifts for second time mothers. No one wants to use someone else’s toothbrush so a gum cleaner brush and some infant toothpaste also make good baby shower gifts for second time moms. Diapers and wipes for those using disposables can always be used by second time moms.

Baby Gear Shower Gifts for Second Time Moms
To accommodate the growing family, second time mothers may need a few new baby gear items. A new car seat for the baby may be needed if the older sibling is in a convertible car seat that has been used from birth. A double stroller to accommodate both children can be helpful to second time moms and makes a good group gift at a baby shower. If the baby will not be rooming in with the older sibling an extra baby monitor and nightlight may be appreciated baby shower gifts by the second time mom if she plans to keep her original monitor and nightlight in with her firstborn child.

Second time moms will really appreciate those baby shower gifts that take into consideration what she really needs to make the transition to a bigger family easier and more smooth.