Top 5 Potty Training Books for Parents

For some parents the issue of potty training sneaks up on them, while for others planning has been occurring for months (or years!) before they actually start the process. Some parents like to fly by the seat of their pants while others like to prepare through reading and research. There are some wonderful books available for parents of all types, whether you want a technique to do right now or you want to consider different philosophies of potty training.

Toilet Training: A Practical Guide to Daytime and Nighttime Training by Vicki Lansky. This book has a ton of very basic practical advice as well as some more advanced information for parents with specific issues. I really like how this book starts from the beginning and gives insight into different philosophies. It isn’t a book that tells you how to use a certain technique, but rather what things you should think about when preparing for potty training. The key statement in this book is patience. If you rush your child, it might backfire. There is scientific research cited and quotes from parents speaking to what worked for them. Overall, the book speaks to keeping things positive with your children when going through the potty training adventure.

Potty Training in One Day: A Guide for Today’s Parents by Narmin Parpia. This book is for parents that are ready to start and end potty training all at once. The technique described does require some preparation before you get started but many reviewers claim that the book lived up to its claim of potty training in one day. The biggest thing the book asks of you is to determine if your child is ready before you begin. There were an equal number of people who thought the book was helpful as not, so keep that in mind when considering this method of potty training.

See also  Top Five Potty Training Books for Parents

The Potty Boot Camp: Basic Training for Toddlers by Suzanne Riffel. This book is another book of quick potty training at an early age. While not for everyone or every child, many parents found the advice in this book to be useful even if they weren’t following every single step. The book is a quick read, which is a definite plus for most parents, and the techniques were very straightforward.

The Everything Potty Training Book: Professional, Reassuring Advice to Help You and Your Child Through This Challenging Time by Linda Sonna. This book covers a number of different methods and gives pros and cons of each. The advice is sound and philosophies are discussed in a pleasant way. The book covers how to deal with issues and describes some trouble-shooting techniques. There is even a chapter on health related to potty training and special problems.

My Potty Activity Book +45 Toilet Training Tips: Potty Training Workbook with Parent / Child Interaction with Coloring and Creative Fun by Tracy Foote. This book is different because it allows you to be interactive with your child using coloring pages and other creative ideas during the potty training adventure. There is a progress chart to track what your child has accomplished along with lots of tips for parents during this potty training process.