Top Five Potty Training Books for Parents

Parents that are potty training their children can use any help that they can get. Books are a great tool when it comes to potty training as most of them are written by those who have endured many of the same triumphs and errors that you will during the potty training stages of childhood. These are the top 5 potty training tips for parents to read during the crucial toilet training time.

Mommy I Have to Go Potty: A Parent’s Guide to Toilet Training

Written by Jan Faull, this book is an excellent choice for parents who are potty training their children. This potty training book for parents is written by a woman who worked her way up through a child car facility where she learned all about potty training-all kinds of different kids with different learning styles and attitudes. This book is full of firsthand account of what other parents have gone through in the bathroom so you will stay focused and enjoy the read as well!

The Everything Potty Training Book

This book is written by Linda Sonna a doctor and psychologist that teaches at the University of Mexico. This book will help you teach your child how to recognize when it’s time to go potty, it will teach you how to recognize if your child is ready to start using the potty and it also informs you about the various methods of potty training your child and how to figure out which method is best for you and your child. An excellent book with lots of great information for parents.

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Stress-Free Potty Training: A Common Sense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child

This book is actually will help you figure out what learning style your child will respond to best based on his or her actions. It takes the guess work out of potty training. I have tried many different methods in potty training my own children and various children whom I have taken care of at my home daycare and the one thing that is for sure is that no two children will potty train the same. This potty training book for parents teaches that and it helps you to recognize which method may work best for you and your child.

The No-Cry Potty Training Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Child Say Good-Bye to Diapers

This book is written by Elizabeth Pantley and it is a true stress reliever for you and for your child. The book addresses issues such as how to recognize the best time to begin potty training, planning for potty training and also how to motivate your little one to use the potty. This is a great book for parents of potty training toddlers and it really will set your mind at ease with the entire situation. I especially like the bathroom safety checklist that is in this potty training book.

The Potty Training Answers Book: Practical Answers to the Top 200 Questions Parents Ask

Of all the potty training books for parents that are on the market, very few actually answer questions the way that this book does. Written by Karen Deerwester, this potty training book for parents is the answer to your potty training question nightmares. It answers the most vital questions that parents have pertaining to potty training such as what the best age is to potty train-boys or girls-and even answers to questions you may have about teaching your son to aim into the toilet. I love this comprehensive, no holds barred book about potty training your child!