Top 5 Natural Sunburn Remedies

Summer is here. As I sit in here the shade of Starbucks I see all the tanned and blond lovelies walking in to get their double tall iced vanilla lattes. Every once in a while someone will come in resembling more a lobster than a person. I was wondering about what one could do if such a fate befell them and I thought there must be more to helping a sunburn than just aloe. Here is what I have found to relieve sunburns from what you already have in your kitchen.

Natural Sunburn Remedy: Milk: Milk has so many great healing properties from all the calcium and fat it contains. If you have a bad sunburn a great remedy is to soak a towel or cheesecloth in cold milk and let it sit on the sunburnt area for about ten to twenty minutes. After the milk compress take a cold shower to cool the skin and wash off the milk residue before it can spoil.

Natural Sunburn Remedy: Baking Soda: Because baking soda is a base it takes away the sting from a sunburn. Draw yourself a nice lukewarm bath, as hot water will hurt the burn, fill the tub with a half a cup of baking soda and let all your stinging melt away.

Natural Sunburn Remedy: Tea: Tea is very high in antioxidants whether you use black, green or white tea. You can go the milk route and place a towel soaked in tea on your skin or you can go the baking soda route and take a tea bath. Tea will not only help to calm the sunburn but the antioxidants will help to heal the skin as well.

See also  Tips for Sunburn Relief

Natural Sunburn Remedy: Oatmeal: Skip all the fancy types likes maple and brown sugar and reach for some plain rolled oats to take the sting out of a sunburn. You can take an oatmeal bath or use an oatmeal compress for the immediate treatment of a burn. As the sunburn starts to peel you can take a shower and mix some oatmeal with milk or water and use it as a scrub. The oatmeal will gently slough off dead skin and help softer healthier skin emerge faster.

Natural Sunburn Remedy: Plain Yogurt: Yogurt has many active cultures that help the body from the inside but can also help from the outside. Apply plain yogurt to the outside of the body on the area of the sunburn and let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes. This is a very relaxing but very messy method so you should attempt this in the shower so that you can then wash off all the yogurt in some cool relaxing water.

Natural Sunburn Remedies: Conclusion: This summer take care to not end up the way of the lobster but if you do relax, be calm and see what great remedy you have waiting for you in the kitchen cabinet.
