Treating Sunburns at Home

Every year during the summer months, many people get sunburned. Those who get sunburns often treat them at home. With the worst case sunburn, professional treatment should be sought out.

For those who have the usual case of sunburns can be treated at home with over the counter products, homemade recipes for sunburns or a combination of both. In many instances, any of these remedies can help allieviate the pain, peeling, and itching of the sunburn.

The best way to avoid sunburns is not to stay in the sun for prolonged periods of time. You can also wear long pants, longed sleeved shirts, and a hat with a large brim to shade your face. But, if you are not into dressing in this manner, use a sunscreen to help cut down on the ultraviolet rays which causes sunburns. The sunscreens that have a UV rating of 15+ or higher are the ones to consider for added protection.

Over the Counter Products and Home Remedies for Treating Sunburns

The following are over the counter products and home remedies you can use to help treat your sunburn at home and to gain some relief.

Noxema and Ice Water Baths

You can use Noxema or store brands that are similar to help cool the sunburn. Noxema is also a great product to help moisturize your skin when you start to peel. Noxema also treats the sunburn medically with the ingredients in the product. You will want to apply the Noxema liberally on the affected areas. Once the Noxema is no longer white, rinse it off with cold water. Complete the steps until the redness of the sunburn has disappeared. You can also dip your body into an ice water bath before applying the Noxema to help cool the skin down even further.

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Aloe Vera Gels and Plants

You should always try to use aloe vera in the mix of any over the counter product and home remedies as well. When using aloe vera plants and gels, it has to be as fresh as possible for it to be active with the skin protection and healing properties. You will want to purchase the aloe very gel at any health food store and it has to be pure aloe vera gel. It can’t or shouldn’t be the gel with the added ingredients.

Many times you can find aloe vera plants at your local nurseries or sometimes at Walmart in the plant section. To use the aloe vera plant you will want to break off a leaf and split it down middle of the leaf. You can rub the split leaf directly onto your skin. You can also squeeze the gel or juice straight from the leaf and apply. You will not want to wash off the aloe vera.

Norwegian Sunburn Remedy

Sour cream straight out of the refrigerator will help soothe the sunburn. When the sour cream dries, wash off and repeat when needed.

Drying, Itching, and Peeling Products for Sunburns

Aveeno’s Daily Moisturizing Lotion with Natural Collidal Oatmeal

Aveeno’s Daily Moisturizing Lotion with Natural Collidal Oatmeal is fragrant free and can help from alleviating the dry, itching skin.

Gentle Exfoliator

You can use a gentle exfoliator once you have started peeling. You can purchase some of these types of exfoliators in your health and beauty section at any retail store.

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You can make your own exfoliator at home with plain oatmeal and cream of wheat, grits or farina. Depending on which area of the United States or world you live in depends on which of the three last products you will use to add with the oatmeal.

You will want to mix the oatmeal and one of the three finer ingredients together to form a fine powder. Once you have the powder mixture made, you will want to add a little warm water to make a mixture the consistency of a facial scrub or mask Apply the mixture to the peeling areas to remove the peeling skin. After you have applied the mixture, rinse off and apply a moisturizer that will not clog your pores.

There are many other products and remedies you can use to treat a sunburn at home. Just remember, if your sunburn is a deep red, almost a purple or blue color, seek medical treatment immediately. You should also seek treatment if you have blisters on your sunburn as well. These tips and tricks for treating sunburns are just that, tips and tricks, medical advice with any sunburn is the best treatment you can receive.