Myths About Pregnancy : Knowing If it is a Boy or Girl, and is it True?

I am currently 6 months pregnant and don’t know if Im having a boy or a girl yet. I will however find out soon. It seems like everytime someone asks me what I am having they seem to think they know what it is when I say I dont. They’ll ask me questions such as what are my cravings? or what are my dislikes? I really dont know if it is true but I guess I’ll find out. Lets start with some of the myths I have heard and encountered on the internet.

Carrying high or low:

People say that if you are carrying low then you are having a boy, if you are carrying high then it is a girl. My belly isn’t showing much but for what I can see it looks like I’m carrying high.

Sweet cravings:

When you crave chocolate or any sweets then you might be having a girl, if you crave any odd things such as drinking straight lemon juice then it might be a boy. I have been craving a lot of chocolate and marshmallows, so maybe it’s a girl! lets see.

Husband gaining weight?

Myth says if your husband gains weight then you might be having a girl, if he hasn’t gained a pound then it could be a boy. I’m confused now, my husband hasn’t gained a pound, so now I might have a boy, not a girl?

Wedding ring on the chain:

Take your ring and put it on a chain or string and let it float on top of your palm, if it swings side by side it might be a girl, if it goes round and round it could be a boy. I tried this test and I guess its a boy!

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Active baby:

It is said if the baby you are carrying moves, kicks and is very active then it might be a girl, boys are said to be lazier. My baby is very active, so back to girl!


if the babys hands are raised in your ultrasound then its a girl, if they are lowered then its a boy. Well my first ultrasound at 3 months was raised hands. So I’m closer to having a girl!

Hairy legs:

Are you shaving more often since you’ve been pregnant? then it might be a girl. I haven’t so I guess it’s a boy?

Adding up my results I am more likely to have a girl than a boy. As soon as I find out the gender of the baby, which will be soon, I will post it on here and we can tell wether or not the facts are true.


Its been a week now and I was sent to the hospital for my ultrasound. My husband was with me and we were both very anxious as to what the baby would be. We asked the nurse performing the ultrasound and her answer was… It looks like a girl!!!!!! According to my tests I was more likely to have a girl, and now I am going to have a girl. I am very excited because now I get to decorate with pink all over again, and maybe a little of purple.

Don’t let these tests decide what you are having, even though mine was on the money doesn’t mean it wasn’t a coincidence. Make sure you have your ultrasound done and you’ll be 100 percent sure. If you want to have a little fun then go ahead and to these tests ans see if its right.