Top 3 Bangin’ Bars in Nashville

I am a single woman who’s always out and about. I’ve been all over this city and there is great night life scene. You can choose from a whole in the wall dive bar or a classy, fashionable spot. I personally prefer the dressed up scene a bit more. But, on occasion I like throwing on a T-Shirt and a pair of comfy jeans and sitting back at a sport’s bar. There are so many fun bars in Nashville this was a tough choice to make bu,t these three are my favorites.

3 – Buck Wild Saloon

131 2nd Avenue, Nashville TN

I happened to be downtown Nashville on a slow Sunday night looking for a place that was hopping. Much to my surprise a friend and I discovered this little world of its own. What drew us in were the half naked beautiful bartenders dancing on the bar and singing karaoke. The crowd is welcome to participate in karaoke just not dancing on the bar. It was packed with all types of people from college students to young professionals. This is a fun energy filled atmosphere. It is very casual. A Coors Light will run you $4 and a mixed drink $6.

2 – Karma

305 Broadway, Nashville TN

Although this is more of a nightclub/lounge type of atmosphere, Wednesday night is more of a bar type atmosphere. It is an industry night to see and be seen. There is free admission and free beer all night long. They play a danceable mix of R&B; and Hip/Hop. It is a very classy crowd of the hottest people in Nashville. You must dress your best. Be prepared to make new friends and have the time of your life. I always do.

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1 – Miro

1922 Adelicia Street, Nashville TN

This is my number one favorite Monday night spot. They call it Martini Mondays and best believe their Martini’s are the greatest in town. They are only $5 and so refreshing and delicious. But, don’t get it twisted you must dress your best because this is a very classy atmosphere. They also have a DJ spinning hip hop and dance music on the one’s and two’s. The crowd is a mix of business men, hip hoppers, and music industry professionals. You may even spot a local celebrity or two. Monday nights is dedicated to all the hip beautiful socialites of Nashville, such as myself. Nashville is one of the friendliest cities so be prepared to meet new people and indulge in entertaining conversation.
