Top 10 Songs by Heart: My Favorites

Many rock music fans love the famous musical group known as Heart. This band took many by surprise with their female vocals and female guitar playing! Ann and Nancy Wilson lead this very talented band. They are a work of musical art and all that follow them dearly love the strong female vocals and lovely lyrics. Any Heart song is special, but we all have our favorites! Here are my top 10 songs by Heart! To me, these are the top 10 best songs by Heart.

1. Crazy On You. This song says it all and with such passion and eloquent lyrics. It is a female heart and desire put to wonderful music and truthful lyrics. This song says what is in a woman’s heart, when she is feeling passionate and longing for her man. Crazy On You. Those emotions are unchained in this wonderful and classic song. It is one of the best Heart songs, in my opinion!

2. Barracuda. This song has a tale to tell and it is one that the group Heart tells so musically well. An ambush of love, indeed. This song will always be played on classic rock radio stations. It is a timeless song that rocks. It certainly earns a top 10 songs by Heart recognition!

3. Magic Man. This song tells an exciting and very enticing love story about a woman coming of age and falling for a man. A magic man. We can all relate to that and this song is the very first Heart song that I ever heard! It totally captivated me and took me away to magic place within my heart. The name Heart suits this band so well, in my opinion! This a magic song. This is a top 10 song by Heart. One of the many best Heart songs!

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4. Dog & Butterfly. This song is a classic Heart song. It is soft, dreamy and very romantic. As all of Heart’s songs do, this song tells a lovely love story! Sigh. This song is gentle and very beautiful. Many of the rock group known as Heart’s best songs can be found on a CD called These Dreams. This special CD has many of Heart’s best songs on it!

5. Straight On. This very direct and to the point Heart song tells of a woman’s plan to pursue her love. I love this song and it has a wonderful beat, not to mention fantastic lyrics! A gut feeling beat, a strong message and love and desire. This song shows the very strong essence of the rock group Heart! This song is a rock music classic and it will be played forever.

6. What About Love. This song brought the rock group Heart into another rock dimension It is progressive. This song asks a very important question. We all need true love. This is truly a top 10 best songs choice.

7. Nothin’ At All. This song gives a very unique spin to love. Love is everything and it can be nothing. Only the rock group Heart can capture the essence of this message so musically well! This is one of the many very creative top 10 songs by Heart. I love the rocking beat and passion of this song.

8. Heartless. This is a great Heart song. Heartless explains that particular emotion so well, and it is from a woman’s point of view. Since this rock group has spectacular heart, this song is very significant. It unfolds a cold and uncaring story of a person that is indeed heartless. This is one of my favorite top 10 songs by Heart. I always feel calm and understood after listening to this song!

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9. If Looks Could Kill. This song is exactly what it says that it is. This song echoes the heart of one betrayed. Period. This song portrays this scene so very well. The lyrics and the wonderful beat makes this a classic rock song and one of the best Heart songs!

10. Alone. This song shatters emotions with the beautiful lyrics and lovely melody! Being alone is a fear of many, especially where matters of the heart is concerned! This is one of my very favorite Heart songs and it is one of their best, in my opinion. This song echoes in my memory and it is fabulous.

These are top 10 songs by Heart! These are the best Heart songs, in my opinion! It was so hard to choose just 10 top Heart songs! Heart is an unique rock band. I grew up listening to this fabulous rock band. I will always be forever inspired by the strength and the wonderful talent of the sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson! This article is a thankful tribute to the rock group Heart!
