Top 10 Short Hairstyles for 2010

The year 2009 is about to come to an end and taking a look back at the various hairstyles is quite a fun task. The new year always brings a new and exciting look at the locks we love.

This year it seems that short hair has finally come back into full fashion which is leaving some (famous) people with shorter hair than both they and the media are used to. As new dos hit the Internet (insert Kat McPhee) we are all left wondering – cut it off or pin it up? This year we are going to name the most popular hair styles according to their celebrity do doers.

10) Kat McPhee – The new short locks being worn by Kat McPhee of American Idol fame, compliment her face. The choppy cut frames the face which is perfect for a thinner lady, but this do will not look as good on someone with a fuller face. While the cut is stellar, the color leaves much to be desired.

9) Katie Holmes – Katie offers a short cut that frames the face with just a bit of pizzazz. Unfortunately, it is the same cut she has worn for the last few years which makes us all yawn and stretch. Since marrying the man of her dreams, it seems Katie has resorted to mommy over hottie.

8) Rihanna – The slick bob is something Rihanna has mastered. Her bold highlights are always on the edge of being a little too bold, but then again she is a celebrity in the lime light. Recent pictures of the star in Barbados tell a much different story. The hair is still bobbed, but it leaves much to be desired in terms of style.

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7) Mrs. Beckham – The bold color and sharp style of Victoria Beckham seems to supersede style year in and year out. Her locks always hang just around the chin with a stacked back tight enough to bounce a quarter off of. **Update** It seems Mrs. Beckham actually has hair that is only 2 inches long. Her tiny body makes her hair look longer.

6) Paris Hilton – No top 10 list of hairstyles could be complete without Paris Hilton. Long styles, medium styles and short styles are all perfect on this famous lady. The short styles of old with chunky cuts and razor sharp edges are gone. What is left is a nice bob framing her face just at the chin. Bangs are cut out just a bit shorter than the rest of her style. Classy is best word to describe this cut.

5) Halle Berry – Even when Ms Berry is donning longer locks, her short hairstyles are out there for the world to admire. The cut, almost too short for most people, is hacked to fine measured spikes. Sure, it is the style that makes the lady, but this cut allows her to slap a bit of product in her hair and go. That is what we all want. Or, do we just want to look like Halle Berry?

4) Keira Knightley – If ever there was a woman that should NOT wear a short cut, it is Keira. While she looks beautiful in every style, her small face just seems angelic when long locks are flowing around those high cheek bones. Her short styles tends to be on the untamed side. A fringe, or bangs, are cut into the front and hang just below the nose. The back is also tousled and hangs just below the nape.

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3) Alyssa Milano – While Alyssa cannot be credited with the pixie cut, she is the most beautiful woman in the world when she wears it. The pixie is one of the shortest cuts women wear today. At about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in length all over the head, it takes a talented pair of scissors to make this one look feminine and beautiful.

2) P!nk – This singing superstar has been on the front of hundreds of magazines and rag mags. Recently, she was pictured on the front of the December 2009 issue of Women’s Health. Her style has always been unique, yet vaguely familiar. While the choppy bob is one that many people wear in Hollywood, P!nk is willing to style the h*ll out of it.

1) The Illusionist – For ladies who are unwilling to cut their long locks to fit into the 2010 short hairstyles, you can pin it and forget it. (After you stop balling in the corner!) Just five hair pins later, any long style can LOOK like it has been cut off. Simply pin those long locks under and head out on the town.