Top 10 Major Causes of Fatigue

At the end of the work week, you feel more sluggish than a slug that you can only wonder why you feel so tired. When you’re low in energy and you feel tired all the time, even a power nap won’t help much at all – then, you really need to address the overrated term called Fatigue.

Fist thing you need to know is that fatigue is not sleepiness, no matter how the feeling gives you an overwhelming desire to sleep. In some cases, there are underlying medical conditions which require treatment. In most, a simple change of lifestyle works the best in bringing vitality back to your life. So, what really causes fatigue?

Major Causes of Fatigue Explained

1. Inadequate Sleep

If you lack quality sleep, chances are it’s hard for you to focus on tasks you need to do. Adults require 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleeps at night. Try plugging into binaural music and make sleep your priority. Ban all those disturbances from your bedroom and when you still have troubles, seek help from your doctor.

2. Skipping Meals

Eating little of your good foods will keep your blood sugar levels at low, making you feel sluggish. Don’t skip your breakfast and stock up on complex carbs and protein. Avoid anything with artificial sweeteners like aspartame.

3. Iron Deficiency

This is the most common cause of fatigue among women. Anemia can happen when there’s little supply of oxygen-carrying red blood cells that your body needs. Take iron supplements and eat foods rich in iron like lean meat, liver, beans, or shellfish.

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4. Depression

When the mind and heart is on the low, the body follows. Depression can contribute to fatigue, when you’re feeling down. It can be accompanied with headaches and loss of appetite. Talk to a friend, join a support group, or seek psychotherapy. Laughter is still the best medicine so strive to be happy.

5. Hypothyroidism

This small gland just at the base of your neck contributes a lot to your body’s ability to convert energy. If the thyroid is under active, chances are, you’ll have a slow metabolic rate and you feel sluggish – not to mention the risk of gaining weight. Get a blood test to see if you are a likely candidate.

6. Caffeine

Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Caffeine helps boost your concentration, but in large doses, it can make you feel jittery – thus, contributing to fatigue. You need to lessen your consumption of tea, coffee, soft drinks, or chocolate. Don’t stop all of a sudden so you won’t get withdrawal symptoms.

7. UTI

Or known as Urinary Tract Infection. This comes with a sense of urgency to urinate and a burning pain. Sometimes, you only feel fatigue. The best way to check is to have a urine test. If you’ve tested positive, you will be prescribed antibiotics.

8. Diabetes

Too much sugar in your blood can cause unexplainable fatigue. Ask your doctor to get you tested for diabetes to rule out the condition. Treatments include a total diet and lifestyle change, medications, and insulin therapy.

9. Dehydration

You are 70 percent water. That’s a fact! When your body is dehydrated, you lose the ability to concentrate and your system shuts down. The best way to check this is to look at the color of your urine. If it’s too dark, you need to drink more water. Sometimes, food cravings can be a sign that your body is thirsty.

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10. Heart Disease

This silent killer strikes anytime, anywhere. If you feel tired doing the things you usually do, maybe, your heart is no longer up to the job. If you are having difficulty breathing or if you experience chest pains, seek medical help.

Other causes include working graveyard shifts, suffering food allergies, and having CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome. There is no one quick solution to fight fatigue and keep it at bay, or even reverse the body’s aging process. Yet, by having healthy choices and living a healthy lifestyle, you pump more energy into your body. Love Your Life!