Top 10 Health Foods for Men

There are headlines everywhere claiming to know the healthiest food for men and can be found in many magazines and across the internet but how do you really know that what you are eating is truly healthy for men? After further investigating the healthiest foods for men I came across many different foods that can help you to live a longer and healthier life by reducing your risk for heart disease and prostate cancer as well as boosting your immune system. This list of health food for men is a great everyday source to live by so that you can become healthy without sacrificing flavor.

Health food for men no. 1: Oysters

The healthiest foods for men may come from the sea in the form of oysters. According to WebMD’s Food for Men: 10 Foods to Boost Men’s Health this just might be the case and a few oysters a day can give you a full day’s supply of the antioxidant mineral zinc. Zinc is a very important antioxidant since it can help the body to produce DNA and repair cells. An adequate amount of Zinc or in this case, oysters, can help to fight against prostate cancer. It was estimated by the American Cancer Society that during 2009 there will be approximately 192,280 new diagnosed prostate cancer patients in the United States.

Health food for men no. 2: watermelon

If you want a healthy and sweet snack you should give watermelon a try. Watermelon made the list of healthiest foods for men since it has a lot of potassium in it. There is around 664 mg of potassium in one large slice of this delicious fruit and potassium is good to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke according to Reader’s Digest Super Foods for Men.

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Health food for men no. 3: oatmeal and barley

If you are looking for a way to help out your prostate and lower your LDL or bad cholesterol then you should try these foods along with other whole grain foods. Oatmeal and barley are full of the B vitamin and according to Men’s Health you can also eat apples, pears, and beans for a good source of soluble fiber.

Health food for men no. 4: cinnamon

One of the healthiest foods for men is cinnamon since it helps to control your blood sugar according to Bliss Tree’s Ten Superfoods from Men’s Health. When your blood sugar is lower it can decrease your chances for heart disease. There are many ways to get a dose of cinnamon such as using it in your oatmeal which also decreases your cholesterol level.

Health food for men no. 5: broccoli

Hate it if you will but broccoli can actually help to boost your immune system since it is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals that we all need. Broccoli has been known to reduce cancer risk and is loaded with vitamin C which enhances your immune system. Broccoli also has calcium and potassium which contributes to strong bones and healthy connective tissue and cartilage according to BNet’s Superfoods for Men. Because of the way that broccoli helps the body it is considered one of the healthiest foods for men and women alike.

Health food for men no.6: hot peppers

Dr. Perricone’s 10 Superfoods has listed this as food number 7 to being healthy. According to this doctor all peppers contain compounds called capsaicinoids and these are found more in hot peppers. The hot peppers are great anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-cancer, heart healthy, and a great source of vitamin C which are all great reasons to add more hot peppers in your life.

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Health food for men no. 7: green tea

There has been a rumor that green tea helps support your brain health and memory along with reducing heart disease, cancer, and stroke risk. The recommend dose is set to two cups a day according to Gaiam Life’s Top 10 Superfoods. The benefits from green tea come from the polyphenols and epigallocatechin gallate that it contains.

Health food for men no. 8: avocado

Avocados are great for growth and development of the central nervous system and the brain. Avocados are jam packed with nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Avocados also help to absorb other great nutrients such as alpha- and beta-carotene and lutein from other foods as read in the Chicago Tribune’s 10 Unsung Superfoods You Should be Eating. Avocados are great when mixed with other foods or by themselves.

Health food for men no. 9: beans

Most people have heard that beans are good for their heart and it is true according to’s 10 Everyday Superfoods. Beans are a great source of insoluble fiber which helps to lower your cholesterol and it also has a lot of soluble fiber which can help to fill you up and rid your body of waste. Beans have protein, carbohydrates, magnesium and potassium. Beans can be cooked in many ways and eaten with many different foods.

Health food for men no.10: apples

An apple a day will keep the doctor away. Apples are a great source for antioxidants such as vitamin C for healthy skin and gums. One apple can provide a quarter of your daily vitamin C requirement. Apples also contain pectin which can help to lower blood cholesterol levels and help with your digestive system according to Mail Online’s The Top 10 Superfoods.