Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck

The Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck is probably one of my five and three year old sons’ favorite outdoor toys. When my oldest son was two years old, his uncle gave him a large red Lego truck for Christmas. My son loved the truck and ran behind it pushing it day after day. We finally had to move the plastic truck outside because it was just causing too many accidents inside our home. Two years later the poor truck had taken all it could and the wheels began to fall off. My husband and I snapped into action. Our son had to have a sturdy truck, a dump truck preferably and a large one, which he could run behind, carry rocks in and push down hills.

Lucky for us it was nearing Christmas and Tonka’s Toughest Mighty Dump Truck was being advertised. I decided to check it out. The Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck is a bright yellow truck made from steel and extra sturdy plastic. The wheels are very large and can easily tackle grass, dirt, rocks, mud puddles, you name it! With dimensions of 18X12X11, the Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck is large enough for even taller children to run behind it without having to bend over too far to be uncomfortable. I knew right away that it was the perfect outdoor dump truck for my son. And because of the many arguments over sharing that poor red Lego truck, I knew I needed to get a Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck for my then two year old as well.

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Other than Thomas and his friends, I would have to say that the Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck is the Christmas gift that my sons have played with the most. Most days, if it’s not raining (and even sometimes when it is!) my two oldest sons are outside racing each other from behind those bright yellow dump trucks or filling them with dirt and water and transporting the mud around our backyard. Their Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Trucks have carried rocks, sticks, leaves, and toys. Most recently my boys have discovered that the Tonka Toughest Might Dump Truck can even carry them! While playing with their trucks one day they decided to sit in them and roll down a hill. They recently graduated to a steeper hill per my husband’s encouragement and have a blast rolling down in their dump trucks. With my sons weighing in at 45 and 30 pounds, I can’t think of many of other toys not meant for the purpose in which they are using them that would hold my sons without falling apart. These dump trucks are truly tough and mighty.

The Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck has a lifetime guarantee. Of course, this guarantee does not cover “abuse, destruction or rust” but if there are any manufacturing defects, Tonka will replace the truck. In the 10 months that my sons have had their Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Trucks, they have not rusted despite being outside the entire time and the paint has not chipped and the trucks do not have a single dent.

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I very highly recommend the Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck to anyone with kids who need a very sturdy truck for outdoor play. I will be buying a third truck for my 8 month old when he turns two because I know that he will use it and love it just as his brothers do. The truck retails for $29.99 but I have found it as low as $19.99 during toy sales around Christmas and the average price is around $24.99. A word of warning: I had trouble finding a second truck last Christmas. They sold out quickly but mere days before Christmas my husband found one at a local Wal-Mart and scooped it up just as another customer came onto the same aisle to look for the truck. If you don’t mind paying shipping and handling, buying the Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck online might save the trouble of searching all over town for it this Christmas.
