Lego Creator Set 5864 – Product Review

I recently purchased the Lego Creator set number 5864, which is a mini helicopter set consisting of 52 Lego pieces. Although this Lego set is small, the Lego Creator sets in general offer great re-playability, and Lego Creator set 5864 is no exception.

Lego Creator sets are designed to encourage creativity and come with directions to build three different Lego creations from the same set of pieces. Lego Creator set 5864 can be built and rebuilt as a mini helicopter, a propeller airplane, and a small boat, although the mini helicopter is the primary creation depicted on the plastic case containing the Lego bricks.

Lego Creator set 5864 comes with a variety of interesting Lego pieces, which makes this Lego set attractive for its size and price point. Included in this set are several 1×1 round and square bricks. Small pieces such as 1×1 bricks are useful for creating details such as headlights and indicator lights on Lego models, so any set containing translucent 1×1 bricks allows you to create interesting details on subsequent Lego models. Lego set 5864 also includes two windshield pieces, which are also useful for building micro-scale Lego spaceships, airplanes, and water craft.

In addition to the interesting variety of Lego pieces included in Lego Creator set 5864, the set also includes bricks with interesting and unique colors. Although some of the Lego bricks included in Lego set 5864 are ordinary blue, white, and black bricks, also included are two dark blue 1×6 bricks that serve as the helicopter’s landing rails. Since this is an unusual Lego color, this set can provide an interesting addition to larger Lego collections to which this set will inevitably be added.

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I purchased Lego Creator set at the Lego store in Valley Fair Mall in San Jose for only $5.99. If you are on a budget or looking for a small stocking stuffer gift for Christmas, Lego Creator set 5864 makes an excellent stocking stuffer for Christmas morning. The set includes a red translucent plastic case in which to contain the included 52 Lego pieces for this set. There is plenty of extra room for this case to store additional Lego pieces, which means that the red case can serve as a portable Lego case to carry a small amount of Lego bricks wherever you or your children may wish to take a selection from a larger Lego collection.

In conclusion, Lego Creator set 5864 is an affordable Lego set that can be used to build a mini helicopter, a propeller airplane, or a small boat. Lego Creator sets come with a variety of interesting Lego pieces, both in terms of color and in terms of shape, and as such this Lego set has good re-playability. The set can be purchased for $5.99, which makes it the perfect Lego stocking stuffer for Christmas 2009.