Tips on Scoring a Great SAT Score

In some States SAT testing has already begun, in others it is right around the corner. A lot of People aren’t familiar with SAT Scores or even have any Idea how to go about getting a good Score. Please read the information on your SAT testing carefully and perhaps even make a note or two.

What is the perfect SAT score?
A perfect SAT score is 2400 and yes it can be done. However there have been a relatively minute number of Students achieving this score. Just a couple of days ago a Student in Kentucky received this coveted score and in May of 2007 another Student was reported to have done it. So, yes it is possible to score a perfect 2400.

Why is it so important to have a high SAT score?
It should be important for everyone, but those planning on going to college are even more affected. A high score can make a difference if a college is even willing to look at your application. The average SAT scores taken by most Students these days are 1,520 which are not that great for many colleges. It doesn’t automatically qualify you, but it does mean you have to bring some amazing other skills and talents to the table.

What are the average SAT score requirements for colleges?
Most public Colleges and Universities will accept Students with an average Score and good accompanying ACT, recommendation letters and College Admissions Essay (which showed be glowing and in your real voice.) If you are planning to go to some of the prestige Schools however you need to target a minimum of 2200. Harvard for example will require extreme effort on your part.

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What else should I know about my SAT Test?
If you were so nervous and out of it that you completely blew your score or have scored dangerously low, don’t stress. You are permitted to retake the Test. You will be required to pay the same amount again, but as long as you are willing to shell out the cash, you can take the test over and over again. However, not every student improves their scores a second time around. Make sure you are certain what you are doing. If you have scored 2000 or higher, I would suggest leaving it at alone, your chances of doing worst the next time are just as great as improving them.

What are some ways to get a high SAT Score?
The SAT Scores are divided in 3 major parts. Math, Critical Reading and Writing. The test can take up to 4 Hours, so make sure you eat before you go and have plenty of sleep the night before.

Be informed and known when to take the Subject Tests. It is best when the things are fresh in your mind. You will be tested in all areas of your education, which makes it best to test at the end of the course for subjects like biology, science etc.

Be aware of what to expect. There is nothing more nerve wracking then to go into a new situation completely clueless. Make yourself familiar with the set up of the test questions, the type of test questions given etc. SAT preparation softwares and online sites like will give you access to practice tests. Take advantage of these opportunities. The more you practice the better you will be. It is recommended that you practice test and study at least 30 minutes a week. Personally I think that this is not enough and recommended that you spend about 15 minutes daily on prepartions. This way it will become a routine you won’t fear.

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Get familiar with the test directions. You can find them before hand, by knowing what you have to do and in which way it is suppose to get done, you give yourself extra valuable time to answer questions. A minute saved may make the difference between a few points.

Answer the easier questions first. This benefits you in two ways. Not only do you accumilate guaranteed good points (the harder questions will not give you any more points then the easier ones), but it will also help you get over your nervousness and boost your confidence. The higher your confidence the easier it is to concentrate.

Knowing how tests are scored can make a difference as well. Did you know that you receive one point for each correct answer and loose a fraction of a point for each wrong answer? If you are completely stumped by a question you may be better off omitting the answer all together. You won’t gain any points,but neigher will you lose any.

If you have to guess then guess smart. In multiple-choice questions you can have a heads up if you automatically rule out the answers you are certain are wrong. This will improve your chances of guessing the correct answer. However, if you have no clue at all you would be better off to just omit the question all together.

Don’t doodle or use your answer sheet for scratchwork. Your answer sheet is checked via a machine, which will see any mark as a potential answer. If you have to make notes, mark which answers you have done or try to exclude those answers you know are wrong my crossing them out etc. use either your test book or a separate piece of paper if permitted.

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Get to know the SAT Subject Test answer sheet.Your school library should have a copy of this publication, go ask your school libarian nicely.

Remember that you are only permitted to use a calculator on the Level 1 and Level 2 of the Mathematics test.

If you are registered for any of the listening tests make sure to bring your own acceptable CD Player and extra batteries to the test center.Test centers do not furnish CD Players or extra batteries, so make sure to be prepared.

By thinking ahead of time, making prepartation and getting to know as much as possible about the test as well as practicing as much as possible, you increase your chances for a good score by several points. Without any exeration you can make a difference of a couple of hundred points by going about it in a smart fashion.

Good luck on your SAT’s and good luck with your College search.
