Tips on Riding a Hot Air Balloon

Riding in a hot air balloon can be an adventure of a lifetime. I had the wonderful opportunity to ride a hot air balloon on July 24 of this year. The experience was amazing. I got to float up effortlessly and quietly in the beautiful big colorful balloon. Have a spectacular bird’s eye view of the scenic Napa Valley California. You too can have a fabulous hot air balloon flight. To help you fulfill the best hot air balloon experience possibly I have provided the following tips.

Get to bed early. Most balloon companies typically run flights shortly after the sun rises. So your start flight can be between 5:30am to 7:00am. Getting a good night sleep can help assure you will wake up on time and not dismiss the alarm clock that goes off.

Have your stuff ready the night before. Your mind may not be as clear when you first wake up in the morning, which can delay you from getting ready and being at the take off location on time. It will be easier to quickly get prepare in the morning if you have your clothes picked and belongings you want to take with you placed by the front door.

Wear comfortable shoes. It would be a bummer to be focused on your aching feet instead of the beautiful view. You’re going to be standing in the hot air balloon for at least an hour so I would suggest wearing comfortable shoes.

Bring someone with you. It’s more fun to share this memorable experience with someone special. This way you will be able to talk about what you see and feel with that person.

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Look ahead and not down. People who are a bit afraid of heights or are nervous at first can still enjoy a ride on the hot air balloon by looking out head. When I reached a certain height I started to feel nervous. I didn’t want to ruin the experience so I focused my attention ahead instead of down. After awhile I found myself feeling relaxed. By the end of the trip I felt comfortable enough to even look down.

Trust your pilot. The pilot of the hot air balloon has most likely done this for many years. The pilot is the expert and knows what to do even if a situation does arise. So avoid stressing and trust that the pilot will do his job. Just focus on enjoying your experience.

Bring sunglasses. Depending on which way your facing when your standing in the hot air balloon the sun can be shining in your eyes. It’s a good idea to bring sunglasses to help prevent the sun from blocking your scenic view.

Have your camera ready. You can’t forget the camera. There will be many wonderful photo opportunities throughout the flight that you will want to take. Also bring extra film to avoid being disappointed about not being able to take more pictures.