Tips on How to Create a Diet Inspiration Board

Having a visual reminder of just why you are working so hard to shed those pounds is a great way to stay motivated. We often stray from our diet plans because we lose sight of what’s important to us. Creating a weight loss bulletin board for display in your home (perhaps in the kitchen or dining room) can serve to give you the strength you need to pull through those late night cravings or those urges to hibernate out on the couch. Take a look at the following tips on how to create a diet inspiration board for a little motivation.

Tip #1: Start with a bulletin board or poster board that can be used solely for your purpose. A board that is devoid of anything other than visual diet reminders is key. Tacking a motivational article or picture next to the phone messages won’t evoke the powerful memories and thoughts that you were hoping for. Designate your own special board to remind yourself that your body and your diet plan are important enough to stand alone.

Tip #2: Post pictures that depict your goals. Whether it’s a cute spring dress or a runner crossing a marathon finish line, there are certain pictures that will evoke a taste of that feeling you are hoping to obtain once you reach your fitness goals. Rather than making a simple list, post actual pictures on your diet board that will exhilarate you and keep you going.

Tip #3: Post a list of your diet struggles in the past. Lack of motivation to move, a penchant for potato chips, or just general complacency….whatever kept you from losing weight in the past (or is keeping you from losing it now), go ahead and address. Being able to see that list of what keeps you from your goals will help you face those problems head on, giving you the strength to minimize and overcome them as you stare them down each day.

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Tip #4: Leave a posting area for daily victories. Write down your greatest diet and/or exercise victory for the day and post it for the world to view. Overcoming that craving for a Big Mac or shaving a few seconds off of your mile are a few examples. The point is to remind yourself that, regardless of whether or not the scale is moving as quickly as you’d like, you are still making progress. This step can help eliminate diet failures that result from a lack of short-term success, and keep you inspired to do more with each passing day.

Tip #5: Post go-to recipes. Sometimes we make a diet blunder because we just can’t think of anything under our calorie limit to make for dinner. Post a few emergency favorites that satisfy your worst cravings to avoid picking up the phone to call for a pizza delivery.

Tip #6: Create a goal weight tracker. Simply draw a line with your starting weight at one end, your goal weight at the other, and then mark your current weight regularly. Mark any substantial weight gains with a different color to remind yourself to get back on track, but more importantly use the tracker to remind yourself of your progress and to get inspired to move forward.

Tip #7: Post articles and before/after pictures that inspire you. It’s hard to peruse a fitness magazine without coming across a moving weight loss story from a normal person (in other words, no in-house personal trainers or nutritionists) who has found success. These stories cause us to find renewed faith in ourselves again and again, so post those that motivate you on your diet inspiration board.

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Tip #8: Create a visual reward system on your board. On your weight tracker, post a visual reminder of a reward that you will give yourself after coming to each milestone. For example, after every five pounds you might post a picture of a new pair of heels you’re dying for or a lipstick that is way more expensive than what you’d normally buy. The point is to reward yourself with something that makes you feel good and reminds you that each accomplishment along the journey is worth celebrating.

More and more dieters are finding that their responses to visual goal reminders are powerful enough to help them stay on track. The longer the journey, the more motivation that is required. Wherever you stand on your own path, consider creating a diet inspiration board to keep you going strong.
