Tips for Making Money in Diablo III’s Real Money Auction House

With the release of Diablo III’s Real Money Auction House (RMAH) many people have wondered just how much they could make off of it, and what the best and most efficient ways of making money with it are.

While there are many different ways to make money off the RMAH and numerous different strategies, there are a few tips that can greatly help you out, and in this article I’ll share those tips with you to help you make more money in the Real Money Auction House.

What sells and what doesn’t

If you’re selling equipment for real money, chances are you’ll only be able to get level 60 items to sell because no one will want to pay real money for something they’re going to out-level in a few hours.

Typically item level 62 and up sells the most, especially weapons and hard to find armor slots like rings and amulets. You can sometimes sell item level 60 and 61 items as well if they have really good stats, but this isn’t too common.

Currently, commodities (asides from gold) don’t sell very well, if at all, primarily because they’re so easy to come by as it is. You’re best bet for commodities would be to just sell them for gold, or hold on to them and use them yourself.

A word on weapons

Weapons are arguably the best and fastest selling items on the RMAH, but only if you have a really good one.

A 1-handed weapon with around 800 damage per second (DPS) or a 2-handed weapon with 1200 DPS are about the bare minimum for weapons that you’ll be able to sell on the RMAH, any less DPS than that and they won’t sell.

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If you come across a really good weapon, say a 1-hander with 1000 DPS, you’ll be able to sell it for a lot of money, and it will sell quick. I’ve personally seen people buy good weapons for $80+.

Buy low, sell high

A lot of people don’t realize how much an item is worth and will put it up for a very low price, much lower than it is actually worth. If you have some money you don’t mind risking, then looking out for good deals like these on the RMAH and then putting them back up for more is a good way to make some money.

A good example is if you see a high DPS (1000 or more) 1-handed weapon for around 2$-5$, chances are the person that put it up didn’t know what to sell it for. In this example you could easily buy the high DPS weapon for $5 and sell it for $20 or more, making at least a $15 profit.

When in doubt, sell gold

If you’re having trouble selling any items on the Real Money Auction House then you can always sell any excess gold you have. The gold market changes often, but you should still be able to make a little money off of it if you have a good amount of gold to sell.

Another option would be to sell items on the gold auction house, and then sell the gold you get from them for real money on the RMAH. This way you almost guarantee that you’ll make at least some money.