Tips for Litter Box Training Kittens

Litter box training your new kitten is easy to do when done properly. Follow these simple tips to have your kitten litter box trained in no time. You’ll minimize or eliminate accidents by properly training your new kitten and it is best to start right away.

Establishing the behavior – Your new kitten is not only new to your home, but new to the world. Cats are born with an instinct to relieve themselves wherever and whenever they need to, so a litter box is a new experience for them. Wherever you decide to place your litter box, make sure the kitten is aware of it from the start. Pick up your kitten and place him or her in the litter box the first day you place the litter box where it will stay. Do this repeated times throughout the day.

Further reinforce visits to the litter box by watching your kitten. If the kitten appears to be getting ready to relive themselves, immediately pick them up and place them directly in the litter box. Some kittens will associate the litter box with relieving themselves right away, while others may take a few times to develop the behavior.

Accessibility – Don’t move the litter box once you’ve placed it and showed the kitten where it is. It can be hard to break the routine of going to the same location to urinate or defecate, moving the box later on can lead to the kitten returning to the old location to do their business. Also keep the litter box in an area that the kitten can easily reach at all times, even when you are not home. Keep the litter box area free of obstacles.

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Clean often – Cats often refuse to relive themselves in an unclean litter box. They’ll simply go elsewhere. Keeping the litter box clean ensures that your kitten will consistently return to the litter box each and every time they have to go. Scoop out clumped up litter daily and change the litter and bag every 7-10 days. Clean the entire litter box with soap and water on a monthly basis as well.

Another reason to clean the litter box often is if you have multiple cats. Sometimes a kitten or cat will mark their territory near or in the litter box. Kittens and cats may also avoid areas where another animal’s feces or urine can be detected. While this isn’t always an issue, keeping the litter box fresh and clean will help reduce the chances of a kitten going on your favorite chair or rug.

Really litter box training is quite easy. Start immediately with a new kitten, clean regularly, and don’t move the litter box. You’ll have a litter box trained kitten that grows into a cat that is less likely to have accidents or go wherever they please.